ObdalibQuestSesameFAQ - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

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FAQ-s and Troubleshooting

This section covers mostly the case when you recieve a RepositoryException seen as the following page:

This means something went wrong upon creating and connecting to a repository. In order to find the main cause of the problem, one has to check the hosting server's log. This can usually be found in [Server_home]/logs. Check for the latest entry, and scroll up from the bottom until you find the first lines of the stack trace. In the following we provide some useful hints on what could have gone wrong and how to fix it.

Error in database: down or not reachable

OBDAException: Connection is broken: "java.net.ConnectionException: Connection refused: connect: ... "
  • => Solution: check that your database is up and you can connect to it. Go Back and try to Query again.

Error in connectionURL in OBDA file

OBDAException: There was an error analyzing the following mappings. Please correct the issue(s) to continue. 
Error in mapping with id: ...
Description: Definition not found for table ...
  • => Solution: correct the connectionURL in the OBDA file. Go Back and try to Query again.

Error in username or password connecting to the database in OBDA file

OBDAException: Wrong username or password.
  • => Solution: Correct the username and password in the OBDA file. Go Back and try to Query again.

The given OWL or OBDA file cannot be found

OWLOntologyInputSourceException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ...[filepath]...
  • => Solution: Create again the repository with the SAME NAME, give the correct file path (use '/ '-es in defining file path).

Error in mapping

InvalidMappingException: The plugin cannot load the OBDA model: (REASON: Invalid mappings). Please fix the following mappings and reload the file. 
  • => Solution: Recheck the mapping in the OBDA file the error is pointing you to, possibly an invalid predicate or class. Go Back and try to Query again.

Error in deleting a repository

Deleting a repository necessitates that it can be created and queried. Hence, if you have a repository that cannot be corrected with the above described methods, you have to do a small workaround that implies dropping the repository from Sesame's console as follows.

  • Go to your [Sesame_Home]/bin/console.bat (or .sh)
  • Type in the following in the command line window that appeared:
connect http://localhost:8080/openrdf-sesame.
show r.
  • You will see your list of repositories, remember the one you want to delete, and do next:
drop <my_repo_to_delete>.

For more information about the Sesame console, click here.

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