UpdateActivator - CodingDino/Dino-Unity-Toolkit GitHub Wiki

The UpdateActivator component triggers an action when Unity's update functions are called. See Unity's Execution Order documentation for details about when each of these functions are called and in what order relative to other functions.

This is an Activator component, and does nothing on its own, instead triggering a linked Action component. Actions, Activators, and Data make up the core system for the Dino Unity Toolkit.

Image: An empty UpdateActivator.


Activation Lists

These are the lists of actions that will be activated.

Property: Description:
On Fixed Update () Perform these actions for every physics update, which may be less than once per frame. Use this for any physics or movement related actions.
On Update () Perform these actions once per frame. Use this by default.
On Late Update () Perform these actions once per frame, after all Update actions are performed. Use this only if you need to do something after other Update logic.