Action - CodingDino/Dino-Unity-Toolkit GitHub Wiki

An Action is a type of component from the Dino Unity Toolkit. Actions don't do anything by themselves - rather, they are bits of game functionality waiting to be triggered by an Activator component.

For example, you might want to make your character jump when a button is pressed. To do that, you would attach an ApplyForce2DAction component to your character. By itself, this component would not do anything - to actually make the jump happen, you would also need an InputButtonActivator, which you would hook up the the ApplyForceAction and give a specific button to jump.

Image: ApplyForce2DAction attached to a player.

Image: InputButtonActivator set to listen for the "Jump" button, and hooked up to the Player and the ApplyForce2DAction.

Image: InputButtonActivator senses the button press and tells ApplyForce2DAction to push the player up into the air.

By combining Actions and Activators, you can make almost anything happen in your game!