UITextAction - CodingDino/Dino-Unity-Toolkit GitHub Wiki

The UITextAction component changes the displayed text for one of Unity's built in UI Text components. The UITextAction component must be attached to a GameObject that has a Text component on it, and therefore must be in the UI (a child of a Canvas object).

This is an Action component, and therefore must be triggered by a separate Activator component. Actions, Activators, and Data make up the core system for the Dino Unity Toolkit.

Image: UITextAction set up to limit the number of decimal places displayed.

Image: UITextAction showing a countdown using TimerAction and FloatData.


Property: Description:
Limit Float Decimals Should we limit the display of decimals for float values?
Num Decimals Only used if Limit Float Decimals is set to true. Float values will only display this many decimal places.


This component has several Action functions that can be triggered by Activators.


This action sets the attached Text component's displayed text to the string value supplied.

Parameter: Description:
New Text The new string value for the displayed text.


This action takes the int value supplied and converts it to a string, then displays it using the attached Text component.

Parameter: Description:
New Text The int value that will be converted to a string and displayed


This action takes the float value supplied and converts it to a string, then displays it using the attached Text component. If Limit Float Decimals has been set to true, the float value will be simplified when being converted to a string, limiting the number of decimal places based on the setting for Num Decimals.

Parameter: Description:
New Text The float value that will be converted to a string and displayed