ros_control and MoveIt! - CentralLabFacilities/mekabot GitHub Wiki
ROS Control is the (new) standard interface to define controller and control robots. It's a bridge between your custom robot and ROS. You read more about ros_control here for more info.
Installation instructions for M3 ROS Control are available here, but it should be already on Meka's realtime PC, in the home.
With the new overlay interface, we can add new components by just loading a few environnement variables (essentially the M3_ROBOT variable, that is now a list of controllers locations, and a bunch of others):
source ~/m3ros_control/setup.bash
In the same terminal in which you've loaded the m3ros_control variables, start the server:
These standard controllers will create the FollowJointTrajectory action that MoveIt! uses to send trajectories to the robot.
roslaunch m3ros_control meka_controllers.launch
Now launch the MoveIt! core:
roslaunch meka_moveit meka_moveit.launch
And maybe rviz (you need to load the rviz config in meka_moveit/config/*.rviz):
roslaunch meka_moveit moveit_rviz.launch
Note: A very good moveit configuration can be found in the Baxter Cpp repo.