Record stuff on the robot - CentralLabFacilities/mekabot GitHub Wiki

M3rec (new): Record in a .txt file

You can use m3rec to record vectors and matrices to a file:

m3rec --help # For usage

It read the humanoid api and generates all the callable functions as parameters for the utility.


Record joint angles and velocity to a folder in ~/records, name the output file right_left_th_thdot.txt and record now (otherwise it waits for Enter to be pressed).

m3rec --right_arm get_theta_deg get_thetadot_deg --left_arm get_theta_deg get_thetadot_deg -o ~/records -f right_left_th_thdot -r


You need to launch the robot description, the robot state publisher and the joint state publisher:

roslaunch meka_description m3ens.launch

Then use the rosbag API: