Control the robot via Joypad - CentralLabFacilities/mekabot GitHub Wiki

Set up tele-operation mode


  • lsmod ath3k, btusb (both for bluetooth), joydev (to get raw /dev/input/event0 to /dev/input/js0)
  • if bluetooth daemon is not running: sudo bluetoothd -d -n
  • mac adresses are paired correctly: rosrun ps3joy sixpair
  • m3rt server is running

Startup remote controlling for omnibase and (optional) zlift

  1. Make sure of the prerequisites. Then rosrun ps3joy
  2. Check whether /dev/input/js* appears
  3. Start the mapping to ros node: roslaunch ps3joy ps3.launch (if it's not js0, edit the launch file)

Voilà, the robot should now be controlable via the joypad!