Structure Details - Carleton-SRCL/SPOT GitHub Wiki
The SPOT platforms consist of three aluminium decks:
- The bottom deck has four vertical corner rods upon which the upper two decks are stacked. This deck holds the propulsion and floatation systems. Within the bottom deck (called the sub-deck in the image) the thruster solenoid valves are contained.
- The middle deck contains the avionics (power subsystem, main computer, reaction wheel, robot manipulator)
- The top deck contains sensors
Which are covered by five acrylic panels to protect the internal components and to make the platforms look super cool.
An assembly is shown below:
CAD Files
The CAD files for all of the components can be found here. (Note: this link can only be accessed by a Carleton account.)
Engineering Drawings
The engineering drawings to manufacture the components can be found at the above link.
Assembly instructions
An IKEA-style guide to assemble the platforms can be found here