Setting up the Laboratory for an Experiment - Carleton-SRCL/SPOT GitHub Wiki

Before conducting an experiment, it is necessary to prepare the granite table and platforms. These steps MUST be completed prior to any experiment.

[!CAUTION] Failure to properly prepare the lab could, at worst, result in damage to the platforms or the granite table.

Preparing the Table

To remove the table cover, perform the steps outlined below or in this video:

  1. Two people are generally required, but this can be completed alone with some patience. Each person MUST wear protective gloves. A lab coat is also recommended if your clothing could scratch the surface of the table.

  2. With each person on one side of the table, fold the cover by following these figures:

Place the folded cover on a chair or a clean surface.

[!WARNING] It is CRITICAL to NOT contaminate the felt-side of the cover!

Table Cleaning Procedures

[!IMPORTANT] Clean the table with the barriers lowered so that dust may be effectively wiped off the surface.

Once the cover is removed, the granite surface needs to be cleaned. To clean the granite surface, gently wipe it with the blue shop-towels that are present in the lab. Wipe the surface in such a way that any debris on the table gets wiped on the edge of the table. Be careful not to push any particles into the table that could scratch the table. This process is also outlined in this video:

If extra cleaning is required, spray isopropyl alcohol (location described here: onto the table liberally and wipe with a blue shop-towel (located in one of the drawers in the lab). The isopropyl alcohol is located in the yellow "Flammable Items" cabinet located outside the SRCL lab, near the red Gas Gun lab. It is usually unlocked, but if not the key for the cabinet is hanging on the wall in the SRCL.

Once the table is cleaned, the table barriers may be lifted into place and secured at each corner using a bolt and nut. The bolts and nuts for this purpose may be found in the "Table" drawer:


Preparing the Platforms

To prepare the platforms for experiments, they must be fully assembled and have their batteries charged. They must also have a filled air tank installed. Note that you may need to remove the acrylic face cover to insert the air tank. A demonstration video is available here:

  1. Unscrew the cap on the air tank and remove it by rotating it counter-clockwise:
  1. Once removed, line up the tank with the attachment located on the lowest deck of the platform. Rotate the tank clockwise to attach it:
  1. Rotate the platform so that you have access to the valve and can see the pressure gauges:
  1. You will now need to rotate the valve clockwise and looking at it to allow air to flow from the tank into the system:
  1. Assuming you have done so correctly, you should now see the pressure gauges increase:

The next step is to ensure their air bearings have been cleaned (as shown in this video demonstration -

  1. Wear the required PPE (gloves).
  2. Retrieve the isopropyl alcohol (the same used to clean the table).
  3. Get Kimwipes from the cleaning supplies drawer in the lab.
  4. Ensure the platform is on it's stand such that the air bearings are accessible but are not touching the table.
  5. Power on the platform using the power panel. A blue light should illuminate.
  6. Open MATLAB and run the GUI if you have not done so already. If required, select the platforms you are using in the Initialize Parameters tab. Click on the Establish Connection with Selected Platforms button located on the Direct Hardware Control tab to establish communication with the platforms. Click on the Pucks On button to turn on the air flow to the air bearings for the desired platform. There should be an audible click and a change in pressure on the gauges.


  1. Take a Kimwipe and liberally spray some alcohol on it.

[!WARNING] Isopropyl alcohol can damage the platform panels, so be careful.

  1. Gently rub the wet Kimwipe on the bottom of the air bearing in a circular motion for a few seconds (1-2 should suffice).

Confirm that the LED battery pack (Microdriver) has been attached to the platform. There should be two connections. One connects to the LEDs, and the other connects to the platform computers via USB-A - this provides continuous power to the LEDs.

Next Step

Follow this guide to run your experiment.

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