NVIDIA Jetson Overview - Carleton-SRCL/SPOT GitHub Wiki

Getting started with the Jetson

This section provides an overview of setting up and connecting to the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 for the first time. The Jetson TX2 is an embedded computer built for AI-based applications. Fig. 1 shows one of the Jetson Developer kits that is available in the Spacecraft Robotics and Control Lab.


Fig. 1 The Jetson TX2 Board with all important peripherals highlighted

To get started, you need an AC power adapter with the following specifications:

Specification Value
Barrel Connector Size 5.5*2.5 mm
Voltage 19 V
Current 4.74 A

Note: It is important to use a power adapter with the correct specifications as using an adapter with incompatible power specifications can cause permanent damage to the board.

Plug the adapter into the "DC Power" plug (Refer to Fig. 1). Press the "Power Button" to start the board up. The board should now be powered on.

Connecting to the board for development

There are two methods of connecting to the board: remote ssh, and direct connection in Desktop mode.

Note that the credentials for the Jetson are:

Username: spot

Password: srcl2017

Connecting via remote ssh:

To connect via remote ssh, you will need:

  1. Laptop with networking enabled
  2. Micro-B USB to USB-A cable

Connection via remote ssh can be established using the USB-Ethernet interface on the Jetson or over WiFi. If using the cable, plug in the Micro-B cable into the Jetson's Micro-B port. Either way, open the terminal on your computer and try pinging the Jetson at its default IP address, which is for the main TX2 or for the spare unit, as shown below:




If the ping response is successful, you can now ssh into the device using the ssh command:


You will be prompted for the password, type the password, srcl2017 and press enter. You will now be logged in to the Jetson remotely.

Connect to the Jetson in Desktop mode.

If the remote ssh is not working, you may use the Jetson in Desktop mode to sign in. You will need:

  1. An external monitor with power
  2. HDMI cable
  3. A wireless USB-A keyboard+mouse set

Connect the monitor to the Jetson by using the HDMI cable provided. Plug the keyboard and mouse USB receiver into the Jetson. You should see a login screen on the monitor. The username spot should be selected by default. Enter the password srcl2017 and press the login button to complete the login process. You can continue using the Jetson as a regular desktop computer and proceed with development.

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