Getting Started with Computer Vision - Carleton-SRCL/SPOT GitHub Wiki

Welcome to SPOT Computer Vision!

Computer vision is a branch of artificial intelligence involving digital systems that can detect and process visual information. It is crucial for the detection and tracking of specific objects in digital images, videos, and other elements because it teaches computers how to identify and analyze images so that they can interpret them and perform actions or propose recommendations based on what they see. In this case, the platforms on the Spacecraft Proximity Operations Testbed detect "target" and "obstacle" platforms using the ZED Camera.

SETUP Procedure

This guide will help install all required coding languages, IDEs, and libraries necessary for Computer Vision.

Developed Functions

These are the developed computer vision functions.

Single Camera

Stereo Camera (Single ArUco Marker)

Stereo Camera (Multiple ArUco Markers)

Object Detection

Final Code

Functions MULTI_AR_VIS_BASE_WO.PY,,, _ADPT_HA.py_ cooperatively generate the final Computer Vision output sent to the Path Planning subteam.

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