Exporting Experiment Videos with QC Viewer - Carleton-SRCL/SPOT GitHub Wiki

This Wiki article includes a video which can be viewed to supplement the instructions below. The video can be found here: https://youtu.be/H8Ht0rh1U1E

The lab comes equipped with four security cameras, which can be used to export fairly good quality videos of an experiment. These cameras are always recording (but do not record audio), and will store footage from the last 48 hours. Exporting videos can only be done via the laboratory ground station computer:

  1. On the lab computer, open the program "QC Viewer":

QC Open

  1. Inside QC Viewer, on the "Home" page, click the "Playback" option - located in the Basic options:

QC Playback

  1. In the Playback tab, on the right expand the "Default Group", then "". There should be eight options; the only four that are important are "Overhead", "Back", "Front", and "Side":

QC Expand

  1. Select the cameras that you want to extract footage from; typically, we only use the "Overhead" camera, as it is the only one that records in 1080p, 60 frames-per-second. In this case, I have selected all four. Once you have selected the cameras of interest, click on the "Search" button at the button right:

QC Select

  1. At this point, you should see the last 48 hours of footage loaded into the scrubbing bar at the bottom of the application. To see various time points in the recordings, simply click anywhere on the green bars for the corresponding camera:

QC Time

  1. Next, to export you first need to indicate the segment of video you wish to export. This is done by selecting the starting point by clicking on the green bar. Then, click on the "Snip" tool on the bottom right (the pair of scissors). This will add a "[" to the timeline; you can then select the end point on the same timeline, click "Snip" again, and it will add a "]" to the timeline. The "Export Setup" dialog box will then appear:

QC Segment

  1. If you are happy with the location the video will be saved in, ensure your "Export Format" is set to "AVI", then click on "OK" to start the export. You should see the following progress bar:

QC Progress

Once the progress bar reaches 100%, your selected footage should have been successfully exported to: