Copying Files between Windows and Linux - Carleton-SRCL/SPOT GitHub Wiki
Linux to Windows
On the ground station computer, open a command prompt window:
Then, navigate to the PuTTY directory using cd C:\Program Files\PuTTY
Once there, simply use the following format to get whatever file you want off of the Linux computer remotely. Here is a sample:
pscp.exe -pw srcl2023 -r [email protected]:/home/spot-red/ C:\Users\SPOT\Documents\
This line will copy the file
from the spot-red platform to the ground station computer, and will place it in the documents folder.
Windows to Linux
To copy a file or folder from the Windows-based ground station to the remote Linux machines, in the same command prompt use the following code:
pscp.exe -pw srcl2023 -r C:\Users\SPOT\Documents\ [email protected]:/home/spot-red/
This line will copy the file
from the ground station to the spot-red Xavier, and will place it in the /spot-red/ folder.