Air Compressor Instructions - Carleton-SRCL/SPOT GitHub Wiki

[!CAUTION] EXTREME PRESSURE CAN CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. Do not become complacent. Failure to wear proper PPE can lead to serious injury.

This Wiki article includes a video to supplement the instructions below. The video can be found here:

There are 4 places where air can escape, as seen on the diagram (A,B, C, and D):



[!CAUTION] Disconnecting an air tank while the system is pressurized will cause injury.

To fill up an empty air tank, follow these steps:

  1. Plug in the air tank (D -> tank). It is only safe to disconnect the air tank when the entire system is depressurized.
  2. Ensure valve A is open.
  3. Open valve B.
  4. Put on ear defenders and safety glasses.
  5. Turn on compressor with A and B open:


  1. When compressor is up to speed and air is venting from B (~5 seconds), close B.
  2. After ~1 minute, you will hear air flowing through A. When you do, close A.
  3. Wait for the tank to fill (~7 minutes). Compressor will automatically shut off when filling is complete.
  4. Purge moisture from the compressor. We want to drain the moisture while minimizing the pressure loss. Open B for 1 second only then close B.
  5. Open C for 1 second only then close C.
  6. Open A and allow all air to drain from the system. Watch the pressure gauge on the compressor and the gauge at A. They should both decrease to 0.
  7. It is now safe to disconnect the air tank. Leave A open, leave B and C closed.