Air Compressor Instructions - Carleton-SRCL/SPOT GitHub Wiki
[!CAUTION] EXTREME PRESSURE CAN CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. Do not become complacent. Failure to wear proper PPE can lead to serious injury.
This Wiki article includes a video to supplement the instructions below. The video can be found here:
There are 4 places where air can escape, as seen on the diagram (A,B, C, and D):
[!CAUTION] Disconnecting an air tank while the system is pressurized will cause injury.
To fill up an empty air tank, follow these steps:
- Plug in the air tank (D -> tank). It is only safe to disconnect the air tank when the entire system is depressurized.
- Ensure valve A is open.
- Open valve B.
- Put on ear defenders and safety glasses.
- Turn on compressor with A and B open:
- When compressor is up to speed and air is venting from B (~5 seconds), close B.
- After ~1 minute, you will hear air flowing through A. When you do, close A.
- Wait for the tank to fill (~7 minutes). Compressor will automatically shut off when filling is complete.
- Purge moisture from the compressor. We want to drain the moisture while minimizing the pressure loss. Open B for 1 second only then close B.
- Open C for 1 second only then close C.
- Open A and allow all air to drain from the system. Watch the pressure gauge on the compressor and the gauge at A. They should both decrease to 0.
- It is now safe to disconnect the air tank. Leave A open, leave B and C closed.