Home - Carleton-SRCL/SPOT GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the SPOT Wiki! You are currently on the 'Home' page, which is the root for all other pages on the wiki. If you are a student of the lab, please feel free to update the wiki if you find anything out of date.
:star: Current Laboratory Status :star:
General Information
- Overview of the Spacecraft Proximity Operations Testbed
- Notation and Standard Nomenclature
- Reference Frame Definitions
Getting Started
- First Time Software Setup
- Running a Simulation
- Experiment Booking Logistics
- Setting up the Laboratory for an Experiment
- Running an Experiment
- Platform Shutdown Procedure
- End of Day Procedures
General Laboratory Procedures
- Emergency Procedures
- Compressor Instructions
- Spacecraft Assembly/Disassembly Procedure
- Measuring the Mass Properties
- Exporting Experiment Videos with QC Viewer
- PhaseSpace Calibration Procedure
Commercial Lab Components
- Getting Started with the Jetson TX2
- Collecting Raw PhaseSpace Data (C++)
- Re-assigning or Setting up a PhaseSpace LED Driver
- Recording ZED Footage
- Getting Started with the LiDAR Camera L515
- Sending Data to the Jetson TX2
- Sending Data from the Jetson TX2
- Remoting into the Xavier Computers
- Manually Controlling GPIO Pins (Pucks)
- Copying Files between Windows and Linux
- Lab IP Addresses & Router Login
- Assigning an IP Address to a New Device
- Setting up SSH Key for Passwordless File Transfers
Custom Device Drivers
Advanced Guides
- Simulink Diagram Details
- Graphical User Interface Details (WIP)
- Running Simulations without the GUI
- Getting Started with Computer Vision
- Dynamixel Actuators Code Overview
- PCA9685 Code Overview (Hardware PWM)
- Using Jetson.GPIO for PWM (Software PWM)
- Download the PhaseSpace X2E SDK/API
- Getting Started with Computer Vision
- Installing Drivers for the TP-LINK TL-WN722N
- Flashing a Jetson Computer
Hardware Guides
- Structure Details
- Docking Specifications
- Propulsion Subsystem
- Flotation Subsystem
- Power Subsystem
- Vision Subsystem
- Reaction Wheel Subsystem
- Robotic Manipulator Subsystem
- Emergency Stop System
- Ground Truth System
- Computer Subsystem
- Hardware PWM Subsystem
- Solar Panel Subsystem
Pre-Release Software Guides
- First Time Software Setup - SPOT 4.1 PR.1 Hotfix.1
- Running a Simulation - SPOT 4.1 PR.1 Hotfix.1
- Running an Experiment - SPOT 4.1 PR.1 Hotfix.1
- Reimbursement Process for Out of Pocket Expenses
- SPOT Velocity Estimator -- Summer 2024 Showdown
- Regarding MacOS Compatibility
How to Use GitHub
- About Branches & Forks
- Creating a Fork
- Updating a Fork
- Creating a Pull Request (Fork)
- Creating a Branch
- Updating a Branch
- Creating a Pull Request (Branch)
Frequently Asked Questions
- Software Issue - Debugging the SPOT GUI
- Software Issue - Custom Library Error
- Experiment Issue - PhaseSpace Turns on Briefly, then Turns Off
- Experiment Issue - PhaseSpace does not turn on when clicking "Start Experiment"
- Experiment Issue - Experiment not Starting but LEDs are ON
- Experiment Issue - Unstable Platforms
- Experiment Issue - LEDs on platform(s) not turning on or finicky connection
- Experiment Issue - It is difficult to remove the air tank from the platform
- Hardware Issue - Pucks not turning on
- Hardware Issue - MX-64 Actuators not sending Encoder Data
- Hardware Issue - Troubleshooting the Dynamixel MX-64 Actuator
- Hardware Issue - One or More Thrusters are Stuck Open
- Hardware Issue - Can ping, but cannot connect, to platform
- Question: How do I Submit an Issue?
- [Hardware Issue - Jetson won't boot after removing dependencies/libraries]
- Hardware Issue - The Intel RealSense L515 is Not Working on the Jetson Orin
SRCL Shared Photos + YouTube Channel
Wiki Video Links
- (NEEDS TO BE UPDATED) Running a Simulation & Experiment: https://youtu.be/N2YYbz6UxEw
- Forking the SPOT Repository: https://youtu.be/Vu77edOiv6o
- Charging a Platform: https://youtu.be/wDpUcpgEBgA
- (NEEDS TO BE UPDATED) Charging a LED Battery Pack: https://youtu.be/_GZzT4T4Xq8
- Filling an Air Tank: https://youtu.be/2G6YD_iBmaA
- Installing an Air Tank: https://youtu.be/4xL3vRoF7FE
- Removing the Table Cover: https://youtu.be/SlMJ5HH1QAo
- Retrieving the Isopropanol: https://youtu.be/FV0SlslyTb4
- Table Cleaning Procedures: https://youtu.be/vPrkG5OoGf
- Cleaning the Pucks and Moving a Platform: https://youtu.be/eQQ0q6dXufQ
- Placing the Table Cover: https://youtu.be/UVv9MAwmUHA
- Installing the Robotic Arm: https://youtu.be/ZjW5lB-b85M
- Removing the Robotic Arm: https://youtu.be/DBf80lnoqBc
- Caution when Using the Robotic Arm: https://youtu.be/HPy-Iqhq7rs
- (NEEDS TO BE UPDATED) Saving Experiment Data: https://youtu.be/ntCqurUpT-ko
- Exporting Videos with QC Viewer: https://youtu.be/H8Ht0rh1U1E
- (NEEDS TO BE UPDATED) Connecting to a Raspberry Pi Remotely: https://youtu.be/qx_tlaEQd2g