Create a Multiple Choice question - CMUCTAT/CTAT GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using the Multiple Choice widget
  3. Creating your own Multiple Choice widget


With the HTML editor, you can create a group of components that work together for questions that have multiple correct answers. You can create the group by selecting the Multiple Choice widget from the Components palette or by adding components manually and configuring them to work together.

Before creating a multiple-choice question, you should consider the following:

  • Should the student be able to select more than one choice? If the answer is "No", use radio buttons. If "Yes", use check boxes.
  • Should each selected choice be evaluated as correct or incorrect when the student makes the selection? If the answer is "No", include a Submit Button.

Typically, for multiple-choice questions that have only one correct answer, you would use a group of radio buttons without a submit button. For example, if the choices for the question are "Yes", "No", and "Maybe", clicking the correct choice evaluates as correct and disables all of the choices.

However, for questions that require more than one choice be selected for the correct answer, you would typically use a group of check boxes with a submit button. For example, if the choices for the question are "Una", "Uno", and "Un", and the correct choices are "Una" and "Un", the student can select both choices then submit both at the same time to have their answer evaluated as correct.

Using the Multiple Choice widget

The multiple choice widget allows you to configure a group of components using either check boxes or radio buttons.


Creating your own Multiple Choice widget

These are the steps you might take to create a multiple-choice question with more than one correct choice.

  1. Add an HTML Container to your interface.

    Note: If you set an ID for the container of your components, make sure you do not use the Group Name.

  2. Add a Text Field component at the top of the container. This will be the question.
  3. Add two or more Check Box components to the container. For each, set the following attributes in the Properties panel:
    1. Set a unique ID for the check box,
    2. Un-check the Tutored attribute,
    3. Set the text for the choice in the Label attribute, and
    4. Set the Group Name to be the same for all check boxes (e.g., "cbGroup").

Multiple choice check box settings

Settings for a multiple choice check box

  1. Add a Submit Button component below the check boxes. Set the following attributes in the Properties panel:
    1. Set a unique ID, (e.g., "submitCheck"),
    2. Set the Label (e.g., "Submit" or "Check"), and
    3. Set the Target ID to the Group Name used for the check boxes.

Multiple choice submit button settings

Settings for a multiple choice Submit button

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