Home - CMU-18240/240-How-to GitHub Wiki

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Welcome to 18-240!

This is a wiki for you to look up any FAQs for 18-240. Use the side bar on the right to navigate the Wiki. The page you're looking for may be hidden, so click the "More Pages" button to see a full list. For the most part this wiki handles small logistical things like setting up your terminal environment, working to/from the remote ECE machines, some tips you may find useful, etc. Actual course content won't be found here :-)

Before you post to Piazza, please check if you can find your answer here. It's both faster for you to get help, and easier for us TAs.

If you have any questions, concerns, or notice any mistakes, feel free to contact the course staff mailing list at ece240-staff (a_t) lists.andrew.cmu.edu

Setting up your environment

Below is the order of pages I recommend you visit for setting up. If you know what you're doing and have done earlier pages, feel free to skip steps.

Everyone will have to do Step 4 regardless.

  1. Getting a terminal
  2. Setting up X11 forwarding
  3. Creating SSH shortcuts
  4. Setting up 18240 paths