Setting up 18240 paths - CMU-18240/240-How-to GitHub Wiki

Home stretch! Thankfully this is the easiest step by far.

In order to properly use the tools in this class (namely VCS and Quartus), we have to add these programs to your PATH.

  1. First, SSH into an ECE machine. If you did the previous step in setup, this should be easy-peasy.
  2. Edit your ~/.bash_profile and add the following to the top of the file:
if [ -f $HOME/.bashrc ]; then
    source $HOME/.bashrc
  1. Edit your ~/.bashrc and add the following:
source /afs/

Beware that this setup script may conflict with other classes! If you have issues, ensure that no other class setup scripts are in your .bashrc

Note: As of F20, to ensure you don't have any permission errors when logging into Non-ECE machines, you will want to add a check to see if you are on the ECE machines:

if [[ -r /afs/ ]]; then
  source /afs/
  # Feel free to add any other ECE-specific setup commands here
  1. Exit out of the SSH session, and SSH into an ECE machine again. (Or run source ~/.bashrc):

If everything worked, you should be able to run all of the following:

which vcs
which quartus
which handin240

and they should print out the path to these programs. If any of them print something along the lines of /usr/bin/which: no ... in ... then something wasn't set up correctly.

  1. Finally you should set up the 18240 handin script with

You should see some stuff being downloaded. More information on the handin script here

Next step

You're done! That should be all the setup you need for work in 240. I recommend looking at the FAQ in case you run into other issues. If you ran into any problems during setup, then ask a question on Piazza, or drop by office hours. We're always here to help, and don't you forget that.

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