7.1 Overview - BucketCatGames/ProjektArbeit2 GitHub Wiki

The following page contains information about the ingame characters.

Playable Character - Shmobéy


The name of the only playable character in the project is Shmobéy. Shmobéy is a fungi-like creature and a member of an underground tribe. The race of the fungi creatures are sentient beings of similar emotional depth and intelligence as humans. They are all androgynous.


Shmobéy has lived all their life in the tribe, going on rare expeditions to gather resources from now and then. On one of these expeditions they happened to meet a soldier in a seemingly abandoned camp. The soldier killed and wounded Shmobéys escort before Shmobéy could give him a final blow. This was the first time Shmobéy came in close contact with a soldier and the whole situation traumatized them. On this expedition Shmobéy also finds the sacred flower, whilst falling over a cover made from roots and moss. The other members immediately recognize the flower and they all bring the holy artifact back to their base. It is perhaps later revealed that the cover has been intentionally placed upon the flower by other tribe members, as they have discovered it and felt too strong a pressure to fulfill the so-called destiny. They were scared of dying themselves, so their only option was to cover it up and wait until an unsuspecting member trips over it. This is how Shmobéy received the fate of bringing the sacrificial flower to their god. However there is a reason why the other members were too afraid of the task. (See Flower)

Character journey

Shmobéy undergoes a journey of breaking away from the unwanted pressure put on them. Sadly a world filled with war and oppression does not make space for such freedom. This is why Shmobéy has to fight against not only their own self, but against the forces of the regime oppressing their home planet. The continuous pressure, grim foreshadowing, flower taking over their mind and drug-consumption makes them lose their mind. They start to hallucinate and are only driven by the force of trying to protect the creatures, who threw them in this misery. At the end they inevitably stand on the loser side, as they sacrifice themselves to either save their tribe or they cave in to the hollow promises of the angel, taking him away to “heaven” (the new planet). As always, war is not the ideal solution.

Character description (physical)

Shmobéy is a scrawny funghi creature with a mushroom shaped head. The tip of their head is slightly curved (hint to Link from the Legend of Zelda). They only have one eye with a red iris and a black sclera. Their torso is a fleshy peachy color, their head is blue and the tips of their limbs are red. After they receive the holy flower, it burrows itself in Shmobéy’s back, resembling a backpack. Its roots wrap around Shmobéys body and reach their palms.


The flower is parasitic, as soon as it is removed from the ground, where it feeds off of all nutritions, hence why the dungeon is so barren, it starts to rot. This is why the flower enters a somewhat symbiotic relationship with its courier. If in danger, the flower feeds off of the creature and dispenses energy, which momentarily strengthens the host.

Other NPCs

All NPCs are static except for the stone golem. They are all intractable, however some do not talk to the player.

NPCs in Tutorial

  • Chief of tribe
  • Tribe members
  • Wounded tribe member

NPCs in Level 1

  • Infantry
  • Ranged soldiers
  • Clue-egg (gives clues to the player if they are stuck)
  • Carnivore-Mouth-Flower (is part of the quid pro quo puzzle)
  • Grabby hand coming out the wall (is part of the quid pro quo puzzle)
  • Guy without arms but with giant ears (opens a door after player helps him)
  • Fallen halved stone man (gives player a upgrade after they help him)
  • 2x NPCs with Arm on head (give clues for statue puzzle)

NPCs in Level 2

  • Stone-Golem (is the only miniboss, gives player a task after he is defeated)
  • Clue-chicken (gives clues to the player if they are stuck)
  • Room where each part is made from the NPC (player gets upgrade after helping him)
  • Infantry
  • Ranged soldiers
  • 2x NPCs with Arm on head (give clues for statue puzzle)

NPCs in Boss Level

  • Infantry
  • Ranged soldiers
  • Angel

Physical descriptions

Tribe members

The tribe members are all humanoid funghi creatures. They are not clothed and come in different colors and sizes. The head shapes are closely inspired by actual mushrooms. They all have only one eye, which sits directly at the bottom of their head. The chief of the tribe is the only tribe member which wears clothing, as a symbol of power. The wounded tribe member has a backpack/bag and wears some kind of protection.

Physical description NPCs

The NPCs are all weird mixtures of other creatures or made up creatures. They are colorful, absurd and eerie. They each have characteristics which are needed for the plot, however all other details are up to the artist's imagination.

Physical Description Soldiers

There are two types of soldiers, big muscular and thin agile soldiers. They have metal helmets instead of mushroom heads. They have one eye which lays under the metal helmet. Their colors are muted, metallic and earthy. (Contrast to the bright colors of the protagonist) They wear metal armor, which is placed into their flesh. The tips of their limbs are also freckled, like the protagonist’s.