4.2.4 The physical world ‐ Objects - BucketCatGames/ProjektArbeit2 GitHub Wiki

For all objects in the game see “Object Appendix”

In Hecatomb there are interactable and non-interactable objects. The non-interactable objects include [but are not limited to]:

  • Crates
  • Generators
  • Tools
  • Campsites
  • Weapons (soldiers)
  • Items
  • Slum-like housing
  • Tables
  • Barrels
  • Murals
  • Drapes (tribe)
  • Vegetation like moss, fern and fungi
  • Roots
  • Hands
  • Eyeballs (native to the dungeon)

The interactable objects include [but are not limited to]:

  • Barrels
  • Doors
  • Destructible walls
  • NPCs
  • Puzzle objects, such as runes, pressure plates, movable objects

HEALITEMS: Whilst the player can shoot the healthpoints and pick them up again, they can also endure damage from enemies and the surroundings, where there are no additional helathpoints to pick up. Then the healitem comes into play. This heal item looks like red crystals, which can be picked up, stacked in the inventory and used in and outside of combat. The heal the player by [insert number here] healthpoints.