4.2.3 The physical world ‐ Scale & room structure - BucketCatGames/ProjektArbeit2 GitHub Wiki


The world consists of two levels with five to ten rooms per stage.

The game starts off with a tutorial level and ends with a boss fight. The tutorial consists of four Rooms and the Boss fight of only one room.

Each room is different in size. The Tiles are all 32x32 pixel in size. Assets can be made up of multiple tiles.

The player works their way through the game in the following manner: Introduction Cutscene → Tutorial → Stage 3 Room 1 with Statues → Stage 1 → Stage 2 → Stage 3 Room 1 with Statues → Boss Appearance Cutscene → Stage 3/Boss fight → Final Cutscene


Room structure

To understand the following, these charts will be of use:

Screenshot 2024-05-15 222838 image

Tutorial room sizes:


Tutorial room structure

The green rectangles are Trash.


Tutorial Greyboxing

Tutorial Room 1: Screenshot 2024-07-07 101323

Tutorial Room 2: Screenshot 2024-07-07 101412

Tutorial Room 3: Screenshot 2024-07-07 101353

Tutorial Room 4: Screenshot 2024-07-07 101422

Statues room size:


Statues room structure (Without and with Arm NPCs)

The “Puzzle”-Squares are positions where the Statues will stand. The NPCs are the Arm NPCs giving the hint to each direction.


Statues room Greyboxing:

Screenshot 2024-07-07 101434

The following rooms are the mandatory rooms for the levels. There are also optional rooms which focus on combat and are going to be placed in between the mandatory rooms.

Level 1 Room Sizes:

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Level 1 room 1

A room filled with seemingly normal pillars (gray boxes), however, once the player reaches the middle point of the room, assets of Shmobéy dead lay around the pillars. (Conveying fear of dying)



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Level 1 room 2

This room has enemies, a NPC (clue-egg), murals on the walls (pink) and a puzzle, which opens the door on the left between the gray boxes (soldier base). The player needs to destroy and move boxes on the right to discover the solution for the puzzle under them. In one of the destroyable objects the player finds the item: a piece of meat.



Screenshot 2024-07-07 101449

Level 1 room 3

Room filled with enemies and a NPC (Snout-NPC). On the walls are again murals. It is immediately accessible from Room 1. Snout bites player when they talk to them without the item piece of meat. If they have the item, they feed the NPC and it spits out the item ring made from hair.



Screenshot 2024-07-07 101456

Level 1 room 4

Room filled with eye tiles, some make damage others don’t. Player needs to find out which ones deal damage. There is also a NPC in the room (Arm through wall NPC). The NPC waits for the player to bring the item ring made from hair. It disappears and reappears with a stone cube. image


Screenshot 2024-07-07 101503

Level 1 room 5

Room with NPC (Giant Ear NPC), Player moves the stones lying on the ground in the NPCs ears and the door opens to the next room. On the walls are murals and there are destroyable objects in the room.



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Level 1 room 6

This room is occupied by a big NPC split into two halves. In the middle is a giant Stone Cube, where the player can insert the small stone cube. The NPC is happy they helped him see his legs again after such a long time. The player gains a permanent upgrade (faster fire rate, more health, etc.).



Screenshot 2024-07-07 101516

Level 2 room sizes:

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Level 2 room 1

This room has a NPC block the door to advance. This is a mini boss. However after knocking their health down, the player notices that Shmobéy has been hallucinating and the evil stone golem changes into a beaten crying golem on the ground, pleading for their life. The golem sends the player on the quest to find its children. There are also destructible objects in the room.


Level 2 room 2

Room with a cage in which a golem child is placed. There are enemies which have to be defeated and objects which can be destroyed. After the enemies are defeated the cage opens and the player can pick up the golem child.


Level 2 room 3

The room has enemies, which have to be defeated first. After that the player can explore the room to find a pressure plate puzzle and the solution on the soldier buildings. After the puzzle is solved another golem child can be picked up. This one just spawns.


Level 2 room 4

This room is filled with eye tiles and enemies. The player needs to dodge the damage dealing tiles while fighting the enemies. After the enemies are defeated the player walks around to destroy the destroyable objects and finds a golem child in one of them. On the walls are again murals.


Level 2 room 5

This is a room, where all of the room is made up of on NPC. They need the player to move all of the stones and movable objects on the ground in their mouth and destroy all the destructible objects. After that they spit out another permanent upgrade. After all golem children are found, the player can go back to Room 1 and get through the door back to the Statue Room.


Optional rooms

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Boss Level

The boss level consists of one big room.

The room is supposed to look like an abandoned Temple of the old Zivilisation. The time of day is set to evening, the sun shining in the background as if the god is watching their fight. The warm colors work in a stark contrast to the cool tones of the dungeon.

A large portion of the room is filled with the boss hovering. The boss is the angel (See 7.3 Enemies).

There are also melee enemies involved, which are summoned by the boss. (Short summoning animation, where from a small light speck the form of the enemies are shaped and then their asset plops onto the battlefield. This is an optional idea.) The boss has weak spots (big eyeballs). These need to be hit, in order to damage the boss. After one Eye is destroyed, the boss starts his second phase. And so on.

The boss has four phases. In the first phase he does not attack the player, only the standard enemies do. In the second phase he starts attacking the player with bullets, but also with a swooping motion. In the third phase he shoots bullets and creates a ring of bullets which grows larger in diameter until it hits either the player or the melee enemies. In the fourth and last phase, the angel attacks with bullets, the swooping motion and the ring of bullets, whilst the melee enemies still attack the player. After the boss is defeated, there is a short death animation (optional) of the angel and then the final cutscene plays. (For more information see 3.5 Flow charts)