3.8 Gameplay ‐ Progress - BucketCatGames/ProjektArbeit2 GitHub Wiki

While playing the game the player learns the neccesary skills to solve the puzzles and defeat the enemies.


Skills learned:

  • how to destroy objects (shooting at the objects (without flower it takes more hits than with the flower))
  • how to move objects (walking against movable objects makes them move)
  • how to interact with objects (when walking up to NPCs or objects "E" pops up as a hint)
  • combat (how to fight a melee enemy)
  • how to dodge to avoid enemy attacks
  • how to pick up items

Statues room

Skills learned:

  • No new skills. Iteration of learned skills

Level 1

Skills learned:

  • how to trigger pressure plates
  • to avoid walking on the damage dealing eye tiles

Level 2

Skills learned:

  • No new skills. Iteration of learned skills

Boss Level:

Skills learned:

  • Hiding behind smaller enemies, so that the boss does not hit the player