3.7 Gameplay ‐ Upgrades - BucketCatGames/ProjektArbeit2 GitHub Wiki

There are no skill trees in hecatomb.


The player acquires two permanent upgrades in the game. The upgrades increase their stats. The shooting speed and the damage dealt are increased. However the specifics are still pending, as it needs testing.

The player also acquires temporary upgrades, when the sunberries are consumed. These power ups work similarly as the permanent upgrades, however the speed is also increased for the short duration. These temporary upgrades can be used as many times as there are sunberries, although there is a cooldown and after a certain amount of uses the maximum health declines.


The enemy stats increase from level 1 to level 2 and reach their peak in the boss level. Their attack speed and attack strengh both increases, however it is unknown by how much, as this part still needs testing.

The boss of the game has four stages. In each stage their attack strengh and speed remains the same. The only thing changing is their attack pattern.