3.2 Gameplay ‐ Other mechanics - BucketCatGames/ProjektArbeit2 GitHub Wiki


The player’s rotation correlates to the position of the mouse. This way they can turn 360 Degrees. They can walk around the rooms in 8 different directions: left, up-left, up, up-right, right, down-right, down, down-left. The player can also dash backwards to avoid attacks from enemies. The dash has a cool-down. The walking speed depends on the playing phase. In combat the player moves faster than whilst solving puzzles.


A press on the left mouse button fires a bullet. The bullets are used to defeat enemies in battle, but also solve puzzles outside of combat. The ammunition can destroy destructible objects. The bullets fly until they reach a wall. Once stopped the projectiles need to be picked up again for the player to regain health and ammunition. The ammunition correlates to the health points and the defense. Once the player shoots, their health and defense are lowered and can only be increased by picking up the projectiles or with healing items. The health points decrease differently depending on the bullet-type and at the last [insert number here] of the may health amount the health decreases slower, giving the player more time to defeat their enemies. During combat destructible objects are the only interactable objects. To deal more damage the player can use a stronger attack. This however costs more health points as well. This special attack can also be used to destroy destructible walls. When the player fights, a combat-bar pops up. This bar sets a time limit, in which all the enemies have to be defeated in the current room. The combat-bar sits on top of the health points and decreases the health points slowly. Once it runs out, the player loses additional health points.


The player can pick up items and carry them in their inventory. These items can be used to solve puzzles or to deal more damage.Some ideas include that the bullets create different effects when fired, f.e. fire damage or ice damage. The player can take a drug, which increases their stats for a short period of time, it works like a power-up. However taking the drug gives the player debuffs as well. After the effect has worn off, there is a cap put on their max health. The player might walk slower or their vision will be impaired. The player can solve puzzles while interacting with the world. They can push objects, rotate objects, destroy objects, pick up objects and place objects. The player can also speak to NPCs roaming around the dungeon.