Setting up Non AI Targets - Black-Horizon-Studios/Emerald-AI GitHub Wiki

Setting up Non-AI Targets

Non-AI targets are targets that are not Emerald AI agents or players. These can be any object that desired such as a turret, a tower, a wall, a door, etc. Below is a quick guide on setting up non-AI Targets.

Step 1

First, you will need to have a custom Unity Tag for your Non-AI Target. All non-AI targets can share this tag, but it will need to be different than the Unity Tag that Emerald AI agents are using. Your Unity Layer can be the same as your Emerald AI agent's layer or it can be different. In this case, everything is sharing the default Water layer.

Step 2

Next, ensure that the layer that the non-AI target is using is added on all Emerald AI agents under their Tag Options.

Step 3

Lastly, ensure Use Non-AI Target is enabled on each AI that you would like targeting non-AI Targets. Ensure that you have set the Unity Tag that all non-AI targets are using within the Non-AI Tag pulldown.