Example Scenes - Black-Horizon-Studios/Emerald-AI GitHub Wiki

Example Scenes

One of the best ways to get started with Emerald AI is to test the examples scenes. These scenes have examples of AI that have already been setup with animations, attacks, sounds, and more. It is recommended that you test these scenes prior to creating your own AI so you can get a grasp of the Editor and how it works. While testing the example scenes, feel free to tweak the settings to get a solid understanding on how everything works.

Example Scene Description
AI vs AI An example of two AI of opposing factions fighting each other. The AI will only attack the player if the player attacks them first.
AI vs Non-AI An example of an AI attacking a non-AI target.
Companion Example An example of a Companion AI that follows the player around. It will attack any opposing AI that tries to attack the player.
Destination Example An example of two Destination based AI attempting to reach their destination. If any opposing AI gets in their way, they will fight said AI then resume traveling to their destination once the opponent has been defeated.
Move to Mouse Position An example of having controllable AI. The player can Left Click on an AI to select it then click again somewhere on the terrain for the AI to move to that location. If an AI get near the enemy AI, they will automatically attack it then continue to their destination after it has been killed.
Playable Demo An example of a few different features working together in a game-like environment. The player can press the 1 key to spawn companion AI to help them fight other AI.
Raycast Hit AI An example where the player is a camera that the AI can attack. The player object is based on the ground so the AI can attack it. The camera fires a raycast, when pressing the left mouse button, at the position of the mouse so the player can damage the AI.
Tamable AI Example An example of the ability to tame an AI. The player can walk towards the Forest Golem in the distance of the scene and tame it by pressing F before it turns hostile against them. Once the AI has been tamed, its UI and name will be updated. After this happens, the player can attack other AI in the scene and their new companion will help them.
Territorial AI Example An example of a territorial AI. When the player approaches the AI, it will look at the player for about 6 seconds before turning aggressive and attacking. If the player leaves the AI's territory before the AI turns aggressive, the AI will resume wandering.
Waypoint Example An example of an AI using the Waypoint Wander Type. The AI has manually placed waypoints that it will randomly move between. The AI will idle according to its Idle Seconds each time it reaches a new waypoint.
AI Gather (Food, Water, Resources, Etc) System Example An example of an AI utilizing Emerald AI's included Needs System. This allows an AI to dynamically generate waypoints to resources and play an animation, such as eat, upon arrival.