Creating an AI that Hovers or Floats - Black-Horizon-Studios/Emerald-AI GitHub Wiki

Creating an AI that Hovers or Floats

While Emerald AI does not support actual flying AI, it does support AI that hover or float above the ground. AI who float will still be bound to the baked NavMesh within your scene, but instead of walking or running, they will hover. This gives the illusion that they are flying and will work for most instances where a model has flying animations.

If you do not already have an AI setup, you will need to have one already created. If you need a guide for creating a new AI, please see the Creating a New AI guide.

Setting up Hovering AI

All that needs to be done to allow an AI to hover is to adjust its NavMesh Base Offset to a positive value. The higher the value, the higher the AI will hover. AI who are hovering will still use the baked NavMesh within your scene for pathfinding.