Baking NavMesh - Black-Horizon-Studios/Emerald-AI GitHub Wiki

Setting up and Baking Unity’s NavMesh

In order for your AI to be able to navigate through a scene, they need to have Unity’s Nav Mesh system baked to it. Without this, you will receive an error in the Unity Console. If you need a detailed guide on how to do this, one can be found here: Baking your Scene with Unity's NavMesh. If you just need a basic rundown, and you're relatively familiar with Unity, you can refer to the following guide below.

Part 1

Every object you want to be included within the NavMesh baking must be marked as static, this includes your terrain. Marking an object as static can be found by going to the object within the inspector and checking the Static checkbox. If your object has children, you will be asked if you would like to mark all children as Static.

Part 2

When you have marked all desired all objects as static, you can open up the Navigation tab and press the Bake button. The Navigation tab should be to the right of the Inspector tab. However, if it's missing, you can find it at Window > AI > Navigation.

Part 3

The baking process can take some time depending on how large and complex a scene is. When a scene has finished baking, blue mesh will be visible within your scene when in the Navigation tab. This is an indicator that the baking process was successful.