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Emerald AI Wiki
Emerald AI allows developers to quickly create engaging dynamic AI with 100's of AAA quality features, all without having to write a single line of code! Emerald's editor is designed to make creating AI easy, yet incredibly customizable. Emerald caters to all kinds of developers and offers everything users would expect from an all-in-one AI system.
Emerald AI can be found on the Asset Store: Get Emerald AI
Table of Contents
Getting Started
- Version 3.0 Upgrade Guide
- Creating an AI through the Setup Manager
- Setting up an AI's Animations
- Creating Attack Animation Events
- Creating an AI Ability Object
- Applying an AI's Head Transform
- Applying an AI's Ranged Attack Transform
- Setting up an AI's Factions
- Setting up an AI's Layers and Tags
- Using the Combat Text System
- Setting up an AI's Optimization Settings
- Setting up an AI with Ragdoll Deaths
- Creating a Shooter AI
- Creating a Floating or Hovering AI
- Using Emerald AI's Built in Object Pool
- Using the Emerald AI Needs System
- Using Emerald AI with Crux Spawner
- Using Location Based Damage
- Using the Emerald AI Camera Shake System
- Setting up an Equippable and Unequippable Weapon
- Setting up Ranged Weapon Hand IK
- Using the Target Position Modifier
- Using the Built-in IK System
- Setting up Non-AI Targets
- Setting up Custom Damage with Emerald AI
- Using the Sound Detector System
- Setting up the Built in Health Bars and Name Text
Emerald AI Editor
- Behaviors and Confidence Levels
- Wander Types and Movement
- Using Factions and Faction Manager
- Detection Type and Target Picking
- Adjusting an AI Hit's Transform
- Enabling an AI's Debugging Tools