Setting processing stream parameters - BUNPC/Homer3 GitHub Wiki

ProcStreamOptionsGUI is an independent GUI that displays the current processing stream and allows users to modify the parameter settings.

Checking the current processing stream:

You can check the current processing stream and edit the parameters options in the processing stream by using the ProcStreamOptionsGUI. Please follow these steps:

  1. To open the ProcStreamOptionsGUI, click the button Edit Options in Homer3 GUI.

  1. The ProcStreamOptionsGUI dialog will appear. If you have selected your own config file, the processing stream will be displayed in the dialog. If a default processing stream has been loaded, the dialog will be shown as follows.

The default provides a simple processing stream as an example consisting of four functions: hmrR_Intensity2OD, hmrR_BandpassFilt, hmrR_OD2Conc_new, and hmrR_BlockAvg. Each function is divided into rows by gray lines and typically contains function name, parameters associated with the function, and edit boxes where the parameter values can be modified. Furthermore, placing the cursor over the function name will bring up a brief introduction to the function.

  1. Type in the edit boxes to modify the function parameters or leave them as default values. Click the EXIT button to close the dialog, and you will return to the Homer3 GUI.

  1. Note that prior to opening the ProcStreamOptionsGUI, please first select the element that you want to check.
  • If you wish to check the processing stream for a run (snirf file), select the run in the data tree hierarchy from the Current Processing Element window or select the Run button from the Processing Level window. Then the ProcStreamOptionsGUI dialog will look like below.

  • If you select a subject in the data tree hierarchy or select the Subj button in the Processing Level window, the ProcStreamOptionsGUI dialog showing the processing stream for the subject level will appear as shown below.

  • The ProcStreamOptionsGUI dialog showing the processing stream for the group level will appear if you select the group in the data tree hierarchy or select the Group button in the Processing Level window.

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