Data Effect Area Search - BLKTower/TestWiki GitHub Wiki

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Data\Effect\Area Search {DataDataEffectData-EffectArea-Search}

Searches an area and applies effects to found targets.

Debug Draw {Debug-Draw}

When checked, shows the area of this search effect in-game.

Useful for debugging effects.

Distance Check Mode {Distance-Check-Mode}

EnumType: DistanceCheckModes

Determines whether to consider unit radius or center point when finding targets.

Distance Extend Mode {Distance-Extend-Mode}

EnumType: DistanceExtendModes

Determines whether to extend the search radius by the source unit's radius.

Area Search Type {Area-Search-Type}

MessageType: AreaSearchType

Determines whether to search in a circle, arc, rectangle, or the source unit's children units.

Max Unit Count {Max-Unit-Count}

The maximum number of units that will be found by the search.

Caster {Caster}

EnumType: EffectAreaSearch.IncludeFlags

Whether to automatically include or exclude the effect caster.

Source {Source}

EnumType: EffectAreaSearch.IncludeFlags

Whether to automatically include or exclude the effect source.

Target {Target}

EnumType: EffectAreaSearch.IncludeFlags

Whether to automatically include or exclude the effect target.

Filter {Filter}

MessageType: SearchFilter

Parameters for which targets are valid for the search.

Validators {Validators}

Targets must pass these validators to be considered valid targets.

See: Data/Validator.

Required Tag Names {Required-Tag-Names}

If set, units must have these tags to be considered valid targets.

Excluded Tag Names {Excluded-Tag-Names}

If set, units with these tags will be excluded from the search.

Effect {Effect}

The effect created on targets found by the search.

Missing Effect {Missing-Effect}

This effect is created if the number of targets found is less than the Max Unit Count (if set). This effect is created for each missing target. Ex: if the Max Unit Count is 3 but only 1 target is found, then the Effect will executed once on the target and the Missing Effect will be executed twice at the search location.

Location {Location}

Where the search is created.

Use Source Facing {Use-Source-Facing}

If checked, the search's facing will be set to the source unit's facing (before facing adjustment is applied).

Facing Adjustment {Facing-Adjustment}

The angle to offset the search's facing by.

Offset Start {Offset-Start}

Used in combination with Offset End to determine the facing of this effect. If both are set to a unit, the effect will use that unit's facing.

Offset End {Offset-End}

Used in combination with Offset Start to determine the facing of this effect. If both are set to a unit, the effect will use that unit's facing.

Offset {Offset}

MessageType: EffectOffset

The offset coordinates for this effect.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️