Farming and Looting: Enemy Drop Changes - BLCM/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 3: Farming and Looting: Enemy Drop Changes
Borderlands 3 Mods
Balands (from Balands - 3 - Complete Version.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands - Dedicated Drop Source Adjustments, by Aaron0000
Balands - Dedicated Drop Source Adjustments and Mayhem-Scaled Dedicated Drop Adjustements (from Balands - 4 - Dedicated Drop Source & Mayhem-Scaled Drop Adjustments (Less Drops, more Artifacts & COMs).bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands - Dedicated Drop Source Adjustments and Mayhem-Scaled Dedicated Drop Adjustements (from Balands - 4 - Dedicated Drop Source & Mayhem-Scaled Dedicated Drop Adjustments (Less Extra Drops).bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands - Dedicated Drop Source Adjustments and Mayhem-Scaled Dedicated Drop Adjustements (from Balands - 4 - Dedicated Drop Source & Mayhem-Scaled Dedicated Drop Adjustments.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands - Eista the Invincible Adjustments, by Aaron0000
Balands - Enemy Adjustments, by Aaron0000
Balands - Less Legendary World Drops, by Aaron0000
Balands - Loot Adjustments (from Balands - 4 - Less Legendary World Drops in Trials, Slaughters, & Takedowns.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
BL3 Better Loot, by Apocalyptech
Boss Drop Randomizer, by Apocalyptech
Chubby Mayhem, by skruntskrunt
Customization Drop Rate: Constant, by Apocalyptech
Customization Drop Rate: Frequent, by Apocalyptech
Customization Drop Rate: Improved, by Apocalyptech
Customization Drop Rate: None, by Apocalyptech
Customizations: Only Heads and Skins, by Apocalyptech
DLC Loot De-Emphasizer, by Apocalyptech
Enemy Gear Drops, by SSpyR
Expanded Customization Pools: All but Mission Rewards, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Customization Pools: All but Mission Rewards and Earl's Shop, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Customization Pools: All but Mission Rewards, Earl's Shop, and Vault Cards, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Customization Pools: All Customizations, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Legendary Pools, by Apocalyptech
Loot the Universe Artifacts to Slaughterstar 3000, by Litch
Loot the Universe COMs to Slaughter Shaft, by Litch
No Mayhem Drop Scaling, by Apocalyptech
Raid on Bloodsun Canyon, Raid on VIP Tower, and Raid Bosses, by skruntskrunt
Trials Loot Adjustments, by SSpyR
Unlock Mayhem-Specific Drops, by Apocalyptech
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