Page Index - BHoM/documentation GitHub Wiki
122 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- ➡️ The documentation is at the link
- This is an old copy of the Documentation, kept while we transition from the wiki to the new documentation. It will be deleted.
- Do not edit the content in this "Wiki" section. See editing the documentation to see how you can contribute and write documentation.
- 2022 Q1 Reflection oM Engine migration to Base oM Engine
- Adapter Actions
- Adapter Actions advanced parameters
- AssemblyInfo compliance
- AttributeHasEndingPunctuation
- Backwards compatibility
- BH.Engine ‐ Create New Algorithms
- BH.oM ‐ Define New Objects
- BH.UI ‐ Expose Your Code to UIs
- BHoM Structural Conventions
- BHoM Units conventions
- BHoM View quality conventions
- BHoM_Engine Classes
- Change to a property name
- Changelog
- Check All
- Check Branch Compliance
- Check Code Compliance
- Check Compliance
- Check Copyright Compliance
- Check Core
- Check Dataset Compliance
- Check Documentation Compliance
- Check Installer
- Check Null Handling
- Check PR Builds
- Check Project Compliance
- Check Ready To Merge
- Check Required
- Check Serialisation
- Check Unit Tests
- Check Versioning
- Code Attributes
- Code Compliance
- Coding Style
- Configuring objects comparison (ComparisonConfig)
- Configuring Revit objects comparison (RevitComparisonConfig)
- Continuous Integration
- Create a new adapter in 10 minutes
- Creating a New Repo
- Dataset guidelines
- Diffing and Hashing – guide for developers
- Diffing – tracking changes in your BHoM objects
- EngineClassMatchesFilePath
- Geometry
- Getting started for developers
- Handling Exceptional Events
- HasConstructor
- HasDescriptionAttribute
- Hash – an object's identity
- HasOneConstructor
- HasOutputAttribute
- HasPublicGet
- HasSingleClass
- HasSingleNamespace
- HasUniqueMultiOutputAttributes
- HasUniqueOutputAttribute
- HasValidConstructor
- HasValidCopyright
- HasValidMultiOutputAttributes
- HasValidOutputAttribute
- HasValidPreviousVersionAttribute
- How to check your versioned changes are working ?
- Icons
- IElement required extension methods
- Implement an Adapter
- InputAttributeHasMatchingParameter
- InputAttributeIsUnique
- InputParameterStartsLower
- Installing BHoM
- Introduction to the BHoM_Adapter
- IsExtensionMethod
- IsInputAttributePresent
- IsPublicClass
- IsPublicProperty
- IsStaticClass
- IsUsingCustomData
- IsValidConvertMethodName
- IsValidCreateMethod
- IsValidCreateMethodName
- IsValidDataset
- IsValidEngineClassName
- IsValidIImmutableObject
- IsVirtualProperty
- MethodNameContainsFileName
- MethodNameStartsUpper
- ModifyReturnsDifferentType
- ModifyReturnsSameType
- Null Handling
- Object name change and associated custom create method
- ObjectNameMatchesFileName
- Open Sourcing Procedure
- PreviousInputNamesAttributeHasMatchingParameter
- PreviousInputNamesAttributeIsUnique
- Project References and Build Paths
- PropertyAccessorsHaveNoBody
- Releases and Versioning
- Resolving an Issue
- Shear Area Derivation
- Structural Adapters
- Structure of the BHoM
- Submitting an Issue
- Technical philosophy of the BHoM
- Templates
- The
class - The BHoM Toolkit
- The CRUD methods
- The IImmutable interface
- Toolkits targeting multiple versions of the same software
- Using the BHoM
- Using the SCRUM Board
- Using Visual Studio
- Using Visual Studio Code
- Versioning How to modify code without breaking user scripts
- What Is the BHoM For
- Wiki Style
- Working Together ‐ Avoiding Conflicts