SiteIndex - AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ala-datamob GitHub Wiki

Specific implementations of DM (coupled to their source systems) for faunal collections and herbaria
Status of the partner institutions
Domain-specific data standards: Darwincore for faunal collections and HISPID for herbaria
Domains in biodiversity - arbitrary boxing of groups (either core data-gathering or supplementary aka derived,secondary,satellite,... data-generating)
Relevant Atlas sub-systems, particularly the Biocache, Ingest and Quality subsystems
Classes of data and how they surface in the Atlas
Identifying and communicating relationships (derived collection items, inferred records, duplicates ...)
Spatial data and some of its considerations
A logical, more abstract DM process
DM completeness - external link (fitness for use, quality at source)
Algorithms, analyses, processes for DM
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