FcigDM - AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ala-datamob GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the FCIG-OZCAM data mobilisation pages

This area of the wiki attempts to give the reader a central point for dm efforts of the Faunal Collections Informatics Group (FCIG) partners, and their data aggregation: Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums (OZCAM).

Data mobilisations

Institution-specific pages

Mobilisation (if applicable) Final report pdf Technology (if applicable)
Australian Museum FcigDM_AM http://goo.gl/tEioQ linux, ke-emu, texpress, bash, awk
Australian National Fish Collection FcigDM_ANFC linux, texpress, bash, perl
Australian National Insect Collection http://goo.gl/iOAEh windows, biolink, sql server
Australian National Wildlife Collection FcigDM_ANWC http://goo.gl/iT25T windows, sql server, powershell, t-sql
Museum Victoria http://goo.gl/RdJ54 linux, ke-emu
Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery
Queen Victoria Museum Art Gallery http://goo.gl/DF4YO
Queensland Museum FcigDM_QM http://goo.gl/YW444 linux, vernon, mysql, bash, sql
South Australian Museum Australia FcigDM_SAM http://goo.gl/cKOlj linux, ke-emu, texpress, bash, awk
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Western Australia Museum FcigDM_WAM (only completeness) windows, sql server, mysql?, pentaho

All source-code in this wiki

Note: at time of writing not all institutions have code in this wiki...

Browse the source at https://github.com/AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ala-datamob (links to biodomains->fcig-ozcam)

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