Custom blocks and title designs - Atavist/developer GitHub Wiki

When creating a project with Atavist, there are all sorts of things you can insert into your project: an image, a video, a Google map, an embedded SoundCloud audio player, and more. These are blocks.

You also have an array of title treatments to choose from when assembling a project and the sections within it, ranging from the simple to the dramatic. These are title designs.

This guide describes how to make your own.

What is a block?

A block is a bundle of stuff that lives within, and is supplementary to, the text content of an Atavist project. A block can be simple, like an image or a video, or complex, like an interactive chart.

When developing blocks, you’ll be developing block types, which can be reused and separately configured within and across projects. A custom image block can be created once and used many times, with many different images, as can a custom quotation block with many different quotations.

A block will exist in two environments: in the Atavist editor and in published Atavist projects. In both cases, under the hood, the block is the same: the same HTML, the same CSS, and the same JavaScript. Blocks don’t look and work exactly the same in these two environments, though. Any configurable properties of a block are adjustable in the editor environment but locked down in published projects. And because blocks inherit some styles from the environment around them — fonts, colors, sizing, and spacing — a given block will look different in the Atavist editor and in a published project.

Blocks are web components, a cutting-edge web technology that allows for the creation of self-contained, reusable elements. Blocks use Google’s Polymer library, which sits atop the web components spec and makes working with custom elements easy. Creating a custom block doesn’t require deep knowledge of Polymer, though — just some basics.

What is a title design?

It’s a layout, appearing at the top of a project or section, whose primary function is to display a title, subtitle, and byline. Title designs can be understated, including only bare essentials, or eye-catching, consisting of images, graphic elements, and animations.

Title designs are built in the same way blocks are, making use of nearly all the same fundamental concepts and components. To cut down on verbiage, this developer guide uses the term “blocks” exclusively, but “blocks and title designs” is almost always intended. Where meaningful distinctions exist, they will be identified.

See Developing title designs for information specific to custom title design creation.

Getting started

To create a custom block, from the My Projects page, click “Develop.” Then, from the left sidebar, click “Block.” Then click “New Block.” (For a new title design, of course, select “Title Design” from the sidebar, and then “New Title Design.”)

When you create a brand new block, you’ll see that we’ve included some sample code to get you started. In fact, it’s a working block. If you click “Save,” open up a new Atavist project, and insert the newly minted block into your project, you’ll see a custom block, containing a simple image element, staring back at you. (The starter title design includes project data — title, subtitle, and byline — as well as an image.) When developing a block of your own, you may find yourself using a similar workflow: making a change to your custom block, saving it, examining your custom block in the Atavist editor, and then previewing your test project to see the block in a reader-facing environment.

A custom block has these constituent parts:

  • Markup (HTML) — defines what exists inside the block
  • Custom element registration (JavaScript) — defines handler functions for certain moments in the block’s lifecycle, what properties of the block are editable by users (and what functions to execute when they are edited), and Atavist environment-specific properties (e.g., what alignment options the block supports)
  • Styles (Sass) — defines a block’s styles
  • Editable field definition (JSON) — defines the form elements used to configure the block in the Atavist editor
  • Images and other assets — allows images, fonts, and other assets to be included within the block

Let’s take them one at a time.

Markup — HTML

The HTML field is straightforward. It contains markup for any elements you’d like to include inside your block. (It should not include markup for the top-level block element itself; we take care of that.) Anything that’s valid HTML is valid here.

You can also include what we call subcomponents, convenience elements we’ve created to streamline the block development process. These include:

  • atavist-image — A basic image subcomponent, which can behave either as an <img> tag or as a div with a background-image property, and which loads images responsively
  • atavist-caption — A basic single paragraph subcomponent, which accepts a single paragraph of text and supports basic text editing capabilities (like bolded, italicized, and hyperlinked text).
  • atavist-text — A multiple-paragraph subcomponent, for long blocks of richly editable text.
  • atavist-multibackground — A subcomponent that allows for configurable background-appropriate fills, like images, looping videos, and solid colors. We use it extensively in our title designs.

For more information about subcomponents and how to use them, see Subcomponents.

  • You’ll likely be adding classes to the elements you define in your markup. We don’t prefix or otherwise sanitize these class names; they make it through cleanly. If, when testing your block, you find it’s not looking right, double-check the class names, and make sure your block isn’t accidentally inheriting styles defined in the Atavist editor or Atavist project template. In general, it’s a good idea to avoid generic class names.

  • It might be desirable to add classes or other attributes to the top-level block element. You can’t do this in the HTML field. You can do it in JavaScript, though, like this:

    this.setAttribute('my-attribute', value);

    See Custom element registration for more information.

Custom element registration — JavaScript

Blocks are web components. In order to create blocks as web components, Atavist uses Google’s Polymer library, which requires that custom elements be defined a certain way via JavaScript. That happens here. This means that, though it sits alongside the HTML and Sass fields, the JavaScript field isn’t merely “the JavaScript field”: it’s where the custom element is registered, which is necessary for it to work. This field can’t be blank.

(If you’re interested in the Polymer library and would like a deeper understanding of custom element registration, it’s worth reading Polymer’s docs, particularly the sections on registration and lifecycle and declared properties.)

Let’s look at a basic example of custom element registration:

	properties: {
		text_color: String,
		value: '#ff0000',
		observer: 'text_colorChanged'
	text_colorChanged: function(val) {
		this.querySelector('p').style.color = val;
	created: function() {
		// `created` lifecycle callback
	ready: function() {
		// 	`ready` lifecycle callback
	attached: function() {
		// `attached` lifecycle callback

There are, essentially, two things going on here:

  1. Block initialization logic, as handled by the lifecycle callbacks created, ready, and attached
  2. Declared property management, as handled by the properties object and any associated observer callbacks (text_colorChanged, in the above example)

Block initialization

Before becoming fully functional, a block goes through a series of lifecycle events. It works like this:

  • The top-level block element is created in memory. The created callback is executed.
  • The block’s child nodes — its “local DOM” — are added to the top-level node.
  • The block’s ready callback is executed. If the block’s local DOM includes any Polymer elements, the block’s ready callback will wait for all child Polymer elements to execute their ready callbacks before executing its own.
  • The block is attached to the DOM tree and its attached callback is executed. (The attached callback is executed whenever the block is attached to the DOM. If a block is dynamically moved around the DOM, as happens in the Atavist editor when adjusting a block’s position in a project, attached will execute again when the block is inserted at its new position.)

Opportunities to perform block initialization logic exist at the created, ready, and attached stages. In general, ready is the most useful callback; it executes earlier than attached, and, unlike created, it allows you to access any of the block’s child elements. Depending on your block’s design, though, each can be useful. All lifecycle callbacks are optional.

Atavist maintains client-side APIs your block can use. At present, there are two: the Library API and the In View API, both useful in block initialization logic. For more information, see Atavist APIs.

Declared properties

A block can declare one or more public properties, defined in the properties object as part of the block’s registration. Public properties essentially define a block’s API, indicating which aspects of the block exist to be edited by users. Properties can also come with observers, or functions that are executed whenever the property changes. If my text_color property changes from red to green, it’s the observer function that’s responsible for updating the block’s appearance.

A map block’s properties object might look like this:

properties: {
	marker_color: {
		type: String,
		value: '#ff0000',
		observer: 'marker_colorChanged'
	points: {
		type: Array,
		value: function() { return []; },
		observer: 'pointsChanged'

From this properties object, one can infer the block’s API: the user can add points to the map and can adjust the colors of the map markers.

Individual properties require a type, and may also have a value and observer:

  • type (required): The property’s data type. Accepted values are Boolean, Date, Number, String, Array or Object
  • value: The property’s default value. value can be a function that returns a value. In fact, to avoid issues of prototypal inheritance, if the value is meant to be an object or array unique to the block (as is the case with points in the above example), the value should be a function that returns an object or array.
  • observer: The name of the method, expressed as a string, to be called when the value of the property changes.

When a property changes and its observer method is called, the new and old value of the property are passed in as arguments:

text_colorChanged: function(newValue, oldValue) {
	this.querySelector('p').style.color = newValue;
	console.log('The old value was', oldValue);

From within any of a block’s methods — lifecycle events handlers, property observer callbacks, and any other methods you define on the block’s prototype — you can access the value of a property with this.property_name.

Other properties

When creating a new custom element, you can define values for a handful of Atavist-specific properties. These are defined on the prototype object, alongside the properties object and lifecycle callbacks, like this:

	alignments: ['center', 'left', 'right'],
	properties: {
		marker_color: {
			type: String,
			value: '#ff0000',
			observer: 'marker_colorChanged'
  • alignments (type: Array) — Pass in an array containing a list of alignment options the block supports. Accepted values are left, right, center, and full. If this property is not defined on your block, all alignment options will be supported by default. Does not apply to title designs.
  • default_alignment (type: String) — Pass in a string naming the alignment option the block should default to when first inserted by a user into a project. Accepted values are left, right, center, and full. If this property is not defined on your block, center is used by default. Does not apply to title designs.
  • draggableInEditor (Type: Boolean) — If true, when users reposition your block in the Atavist editor by dragging it, the actual block node and its contents will be used as the dragged object. If false, a lightweight placeholder element will be used. Certain complex blocks (e.g., those that include iframes) perform poorly when dragged; in such cases, false should be used. If this property is not defined on your block, its default value is true. Does not apply to title designs.
  • is (Type: String) — If you’re familiar with Polymer, you know that specifying the is property, which gives a custom element its tag name, is usually critical. For blocks created within Atavist, though, it’s not, as Atavist will automatically create and manage a namespaced custom element tag name for your block, one you as block creator don’t need to know or worry about. If you do specify an is value, it will be added as a class to your block.

Styles — Sass

The Sass field determines your block’s styles. Style rules defined in this field are namespaced. If your block includes a paragraph element, for example, you can safely define a style rule like so, without fear of contaminating the Atavist editor or published project environments in which the block will exist:

p {
	color: #ff0000;

This namespacing is achieved via Sass. When a CSS stylesheet for the block is compiled, the contents of the Sass field will be nested within a block-specific selector, like this:

.custom-element-12345 {

	/* contents of Sass field begin here */

	p {
		color: #ff000;

	/* contents of Sass field end here */


A few things to keep in mind when writing styles in the Sass field:

  • If you know CSS but aren’t familiar with Sass, don’t worry. Anything that’s valid CSS is valid Sass.

  • To reference the block element itself, use the & character, like this:

      & {
          background-color: #f9f9f9;
          border: 1px solid #333333;
  • The & character can also stand in for the block element within complex selectors. For example, to define a block style specific to the Atavist editor environment, you can use the .page-compose class (which appears on the body element within the Atavist editor) and the & character, like this:

      .page-compose & {
          background-color: #ffffff;
          border: 1px solid #777777;
  • The Sass field accepts all valid Sass, but because the contents of the Sass field, when compiled, are nested within another rule (one that uses a selector specific to the block type), mixin definitions and control directives (like @if and @else) aren’t allowed. Sass variables can safely be defined and used, though.

Editable field definition — JSON

After inserting a block into a project in the Atavist editor, you can click its “Edit” button to reveal an editing sidebar. Here you’ll find fields you can manipulate to change the block. If it’s an image block, you’ll see an image uploader. If it’s a Giphy block, you’ll see a field where you can type in a search term. The fields you see are defined by the block via JSON. Each field corresponds one-to-one with a public property, defined in the block’s properties object (see Declared Properties in Custom element registration, above). When a user changes the value of a field — e.g., by uploading an image or by entering a new search term — the corresponding property on the block changes. (If an observer method is associated with the property, that method is called. This chain of events accounts for a user’s impression that edits made in the left sidebar are reflected instantly in the block.)

If your block has a title_text property (a string of text) and a text_color property (a color value), your fields definition JSON might look like this:

	"title_text": {
		"type": "text",
		"label": "Title Text",
		"placeholder": "Write a title..."
	"text_color": {
		"type": "colorpicker",
		"label": "Text color",
		"default": "#ff0000"

The keys used here — title_text and text_color — match exactly the respective property names of the block. Within each field definition, the type property defines what type of form element is displayed in the block editing sidebar and label property defines what helper label appears below the field. Beyond that, each field type supports its own properties.

To learn what field types are supported and how to use them, see Field types.

Most field types support a default property, which sets the field’s value if none is present. Because fields correspond with block properties, and because block properties set their own defaults, default isn’t of much use. As soon as a user clicks a block’s “Edit” button and the sidebar appears, the fields present will pull in values from the block’s various properties. If a user hasn’t touched a particular property, the block’s default, not the form element’s default, will take effect.

Field definition validation

The field definition JSON must be valid. To check if yours is, click the “Is Your JSON valid?” button. To see a preview of what your fields will look like, click the “Preview Fields” button, and a modal with fields as you’ve defined them will appear.

Images and other assets

It’s possible to include images and other assets in your block by uploading them in the “Images” or “Other assets” areas of the block editor. These assets, unlike any user-uploaded assets associated with something like the atavist-image subcomponent, will be the same for each instantiation of the block. You can then reference paths to the assets from within the HTML or Sass fields.

When uploading an asset, specify a unique key. Then, in your HTML or Sass, use {{= =}} tags to reference the path to the asset. If your unique key is logo_svg, you’d reference its path like this: {{= logo_svg =}}.

When referencing an uploaded image file, you can reference the raw asset in the same way — {{= my_image =}}or you could use Atavist’s image-processing service to generate a cropped or scaled asset. An image cropped to 500 x 500 pixels, for example, would look like this:

{{= mykey_crop~500x500 =}}

Cropped and scaled images can be produced only from assets uploaded to the “Images” area. To learn more about cropping and scaling assets, see Images Derivatives.

Developing title designs

Title design development employs nearly all the same concepts as block development, from the way markup is written, custom element registration is handled, and fields are defined. Title design development differs from the development of blocks, though, in two important ways:

  1. Project and section data binding. Title designs can use the atavist-story-data subcomponent to bind text that appears on title designs to project data: a project’s title, subtitle, byline, or description. Likewise, images can use the data_key='title_page' attribute to indicate an image is to be used to represent a project in certain contexts, like the My Projects page. To learn more, see atavist-story-data and [[Binding to project and section data with data_key|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#binding-to-project-and-section-data-with-data_key]].
  2. Defining certain styles. A title design appears within two environments: in a published reader project, and in the title designer previewer within the Atavist editor. Some additional work must be done to make title designs take stylistic cues from a user’s chosen theme, as well as to ensure a title design looks right when previewed in the Atavist editor. See Defining title design styles below.

Defining title design styles

There are two things to keep in mind when defining styles for a title design. First, certain accommodations need to be made for the title design to be rendered correctly in the title design previewer within the Atavist editor. Second, any title design styles that should be inherited from or defined by a user’s chosen theme should be implemented not with hardcoded Sass style rules, but with helper classes set on elements in the title design’s markup.

Supporting the title design previewer

The Atavist editor’s title design previewer, which renders a scaled-down but accurate depiction of a user’s chosen title design, isn’t an iframe as you might expect. It’s a regular <div>, drawn at roughly the size of a viewport, and shrunk down with transform: scale(). That means viewport-specific style rules won’t be properly applied. This has a few common implications:

  • vh and vw units won’t be rendered correctly. Because the title design will be slotted into a <div> with a defined height value, percentage units work: height: 100% instead of height: 100vh.
  • Viewport-based media queries aren’t applied properly. To get around that, a .small-breakpoint class is appended to the Atavist editor body element when a user previews a title design using the “Mobile” size.

Title design helper classes

Title designs are meant to work across user-defined themes, inheriting typographical styles, colors, spacing, and alignment values from the projects in which they’re deployed. That means, in certain cases, that style properties shouldn’t be hardcoded as a style rule defined in a title design’s Sass. A font-family specified there, for example, might clash with the type styles of a project’s theme.

Instead, a helper class can be applied to the appropriate element. Helper classes exist for a variety of styles: text color, background color, heading sizes, text column width and alignment, and more.

To use a helper class, apply it within your title design’s markup. Making an h1 element’s color match the color of body text within a project, for example, might look like this:

<h1 class="atavist-cover-text-color">
	<atavist-story-data key="the_title" data_key="title" placeholder="Write a title…"></atavist-story-data>

For a full list of available helper classes, see Title design helper classes reference.


Subcomponents are Atavist-created Polymer elements designed to make working with media types and story data easier. To use a subcomponent, include it in your block’s markup, like this:

<atavist-image key='primary_image' use_as_background='true'></atavist-image>

Or like this:

<p is='atavist-caption' key='the_caption'></p>

Some subcomponents, like atavist-image above, are custom elements with their own tag names. Others, like atavist-caption above, are custom elements that extend existing elements, like the humble <p>. Custom elements that extend existing elements are declared in markup using the is= syntax.

Each type has a set of public properties, which serve as an API. These properties can be defined in your block’s markup as attributes, as above, or they can be defined on the fly using JavaScript.

Key attributes and notify: true

Most of these elements require a key attribute be set. This key, used as an identifier by the block, ensures that data related to the subcomponent persists properly. When a key is required, it must match the name of a property of the block.

Furthermore, if the subcomponent supports editing, from within the Atavist editor, on the element itself, the corresponding property must define a special property of its own: notify: true. This applies, for example, to atavist-caption, whose text can be edited live by users from within the editor, and atavist-image, onto which a user can drag and drop an image file to be uploaded. This property ensures the Atavist editor environment is notified when a block’s data changes.

Take the example of a caption, which might be defined from within a block’s markup like this:

<p is='atavist-caption' key='the_caption'></p>

Within the block’s custom element registration, that caption must have a corresponding property, including a notify: true key-value pair, like this:

properties: {
	the_caption: {
		type: String,
		notify: true

Employing an atavist-image element is similar. The markup might look like this:

<atavist-image key='primary_image' use_as_background='true'></atavist-image>

And a corresponding property, defined within the block’s custom element registration, might look like this:

properties: {
	primary_image: {
		type: Object,
		notify: true

An image will typically have an associated file uploader within its editing sidebar. Defining that uploader field might look like this (notice the use, again, of the primary_image key):

"primary_image": {
	"label": "Image",
	"type": "file",
	"file_type": "image",
	"focalpoint": "true"

Binding to project and section data with data_key

A subset of subcomponents — atavist-story-data, atavist-image, and atavist-multi-background — can be bound to project- or section-level data. The special atavist-story-data subcomponent can be bound to the following data:

  • title
  • subtitle
  • description
  • byline

For these text-based pieces of data, the binding works two ways. If a user sets a project or section title and then opens the title design editor, any title designs with elements that bind to title will display the user-defined title. If the user then edits the title from within the title design editor, the binding works the other way, redefining the title saved at the project or section level.

Binding an h1 element to a project’s title might look like this in markup:

	<atavist-story-data key="the_title" data_key="title"></atavist-story-data>

Note that both data_key and key are used. Even with data_key present, the key attribute is still necessary to facilitate the title design’s storing of data.

The atavist-image and atavist-multi-background elements support binding to title_page, a special key that represents the primary image associated with a project or section. For both projects and sections, the key is used within the Atavist editor to persist an image across title designs as you browse them. For projects, the image is used to represent the story on the My Projects page and on the public-facing Collection page.

Binding an atavist-image element to the title_page key might look like this in markup:

<atavist-image use_as_background="true" key="background_image" data_key="title_page"></atavist-image>

Subcomponent reference


A basic image subcomponent, designed to work together with Atavist’s file uploader form element. Images are loaded to the element responsively, based on the width of the viewport.


  • key (required) — A string, which must be unique among keys used elsewhere in the block, used as an identifier by the file uploader and block logic. It must match exactly the name of a property of the block. See [[Key attributes and notify: true|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#key-attributes-and-notify-true]].
  • data_key (within title designs only)— A string specifying a piece of project or section data the element binds to. The only possible value on this element is title_page. See [[Binding to project and section data with data_key|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#binding-to-project-and-section-data-with-data_key]].
  • use_as_background: A boolean-like string (“true” or “false”). If true, the image will used as the subcomponent’s background-image property. If false, an img tag will be loaded into the subcomponent. When true, the subcomponent will have no intrinsic dimensions.
  • sizes: A string indicating the value of the responsive images sizes attribute. By default, the value is 100vw. (For more information on responsive images, including the srcset and sizes syntax employed by atavist-image, see this overview.)


An audio player subcomponent, designed to work together with Atavist’s file uploader form element.


  • key (required) — A string, which must be unique among keys used elsewhere in the block, used as an identifier by the file uploader and block logic. It must match exactly the name of a property of the block. See [[Key attributes and notify: true|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#key-attributes-and-notify-true]].


An HTML 5 video player subcomponent, designed to work together with Atavist’s file uploader form element.


  • key (required) — A string, which must be unique among keys used elsewhere in the block, used as an identifier by the file uploader and block logic. It must match exactly the name of a property of the block. See [[Key attributes and notify: true|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#key-attributes-and-notify-true]].
  • controls — Boolean. Determines whether player UI appears on the video element.
  • autoplay — Boolean. Determines whether the video begins playing automatically when the video element is loading.
  • loop — Boolean. Determines whether the video loops.
  • muted — Boolean. Determines whether the video is muted.


A video player subcomponent that accepts HTML 5 video as well as embedded Vimeo and YouTube video, designed to work together with Atavist’s multi video form element.


  • key (required) — A string, which must be unique among keys used elsewhere in the block, used as an identifier by the file uploader and block logic. It must match exactly the name of a property of the block. See [[Key attributes and notify: true|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#key-attributes-and-notify-true]].
  • controls — Boolean. Determines whether player UI appears on the video element.
  • autoplay — Boolean. Determines whether the video begins playing automatically when the video element is loading.


A subcomponent that allows for configurable background-appropriate fills, like images, looping videos, and solid colors. It’s useful in title designs.


  • key (required) — A string, which must be unique among keys used elsewhere in the block, used as an identifier by the file uploader and block logic. It must match exactly the name of a property of the block. See [[Key attributes and notify: true|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#key-attributes-and-notify-true]].
  • data_key (within title designs only)— A string specifying a piece of project or section data the element binds to. The only possible value on this element is title_page``. See [[Binding to project and section data with data_key`|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#binding-to-project-and-section-data-with-data_key]].


A basic text subcomponent, which accepts a single paragraph of text and supports basic text editing capabilities (like bolded, italicized, and hyperlinked text).


  • key (required) — A string, which must be unique among keys used elsewhere in the block, used as an identifier by block logic. It must match exactly the name of a property of the block. See [[Key attributes and notify: true|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#key-attributes-and-notify-true]].
  • max_characters — A number, defining how many characters a user can type or paste into the subcomponent.
  • data-editables — A comma-delimited list, with no spaces, of toolbar-editable options. The default set is bold,italic,link.
  • data-disable-toolbar="true" — When set, disables use of the formatting toolbar


A text subcomponent, which accepts multiple paragraphs of richly editable text.


  • key (required) — A string, which must be unique among keys used elsewhere in the block, used as an identifier by block logic. It must match exactly the name of a property of the block. See [[Key attributes and notify: true|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#key-attributes-and-notify-true]].
  • data-editables — A comma-delimited list, with no spaces, of toolbar-editable options. The default set is: bold,italic,link,h2,h3,ol,ul,center.
  • data-disable-toolbar="true" — When set, disables use of the formatting toolbar

atavist-story-data (within title designs only)

A special subcomponent, meant only for title designs, which binds its text contents to project- or section-level data.


  • key (required) — A string, which must be unique among keys used elsewhere in the block, used as an identifier by block logic. It must match exactly the name of a property of the block. See [[Key attributes and notify: true|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#key-attributes-and-notify-true]].
  • data_key (required) — A string specifying which piece of project or section data the element binds to. Possible values are title, subtitle, description, and byline. See [[Binding to project and section data with data_key|Custom-blocks-and-title-designs#binding-to-project-and-section-data-with-data_key]].

Field types

Custom blocks support several input types. Below are usage examples.

Text input

	"label": "Text label",
	"type": "text",
	"placeholder": "Write something…" // optional

Text area

    "label": "Text area label",
    "type": "textarea",
    "placeholder": "Write something longer…" // optional

Select menu

    "type": "select",
    "label": "Dropdown menu label",
    "data": { 
      "key_data_value1": "Key Label 1",  
      "key_data_value2": "Key Label 2"
    "default": "key_data_value2"


The value of the checkbox will be transmitted as 0 or 1.

	"label": "Checkbox Label",
	"type": "checkbox"

Number input

	"label": "Number label",
	"type": "number",
	"min": 0, // minimum number. (default: 0)
	"max": 6, // maximum number. (default: 6)
	"step": "any" // optional numeric step. (default: "any")


	"label": "Range/slider element",
	"type": "range",
	"min": "1", // minimum value for range. (default: 0)
	"max": "4", // maximum value for range. (default: 100)
	"step": 1, // step interval, e.g. how many draggable positions exist on the slider. (default: 1)
	"use_ticks": true, // optional: whether or not to show ticks on the slider. (default: true)
	"tick_min_label": "Small",  // optional: tick_min_label & tick_max_label, which together trigger unitless labels at the left and right positions
	"tick_max_label": "Large",
	"tick_interval": "2" // optional: when current step modulo this number is zero, creates a tick. (default: tick_interval is automatically generated.)

Color picker

Returns a hex code string by default.

	"label": "Color label",		
	"type": "colorpicker",
	"use_rgba": false // whether to display an opacity slider and return RGBA values (default: false)

File uploader

	"label": "Image label",
	"type": "file",
	"file_type" : "image", // can be "image", "document", "audio", "video". default is "image"
	"focalpoint" : true // optional: for image uploaders, whether or not to include a focal point picker UI


Designed to be used with the atavist-multi-video subcomponent.

	"label": "Multi video label",
	"type": "video"

Atavist APIs

Library API

Fetch an array of projects from your organization based on search terms or tags. You can specify a pagination limit (how many results to return) and a pagination offset (how many initial results to skip).

To explore the Library API and to test real library queries, click the “Library API Reference” button, located under the JavaScript field. A helper will appear that allows you to formulate queries and that displays usage examples.

In View API

With the In View API, your block can know whether it’s been scrolled into view on a reader’s screen. This allows for the triggering of initial animations (an image that fades in when it first appears) and the management of active vs. inactive states (a video that plays only when on screen). The API is a layer on top of Waypoints library, and uses similar syntax.

The In View API has two methods: onceInView and whenInView.


The onceInView method, called on the block itself, takes one parameter: either a callback function, to be executed once the block is scrolled into view, or an options object, consisting of a handler (the callback function) and an offset value.

The offset value sets a tripwire, effectively, determining where the top of the block is in relationship to the top of the scrolling context when the callback is fired. A value of 0 means the top of the block hits the top of the scrolling context. The offset property can accept a few types of values:

  • Numbers — Positive numbers move the threshold down from the top of the viewport. E.g., a value of 200 would set the threshold at 200 pixels below the top of the scrolling context.
  • Percentage strings — A value of '50%' would set the threshold halfway down the scrolling context.
  • 'bottom-in-view' — A special keyword, which triggers the callback function when the bottom of the block touches the bottom of the viewport.
  • Function — A function that sets the offset value. It must return a number.

If a function is passed into the onceInView method, a default offset value is used, which corresponds to the height of the scrolling context minus half the height of the block. In other words, by default, the callback fires when half the block’s height has been scrolled into view.

Using the onceInView method by passing in a function might look like this:

this.onceInView(function() { = 1;

Using it with an object might look like this:

	handler: function() { = 1;
	offset: '50%'


Unlike onceInView, the whenInView method is designed to fire callback functions whenever a block is scrolled into or out of view. It’s useful for blocks that need to do something whenever they appear onscreen, or for blocks that have distinct on- and off-screen states.

The method takes two parameters:

  • A callbacks object, containing a set of callbacks corresponding or some or all of the enter, entered, exit, and exited keywords
  • An optional offset array, containing objects that define when the enter, entered, exit, and exited callbacks should be executed.

The method laid bare — with the callbacks stubbed out and the default offset array in place — looks like this:

	enter: function() {
		// Executed when the block is _just about_ to be scrolled into view
	entered: function() {
		// The entirety of the block’s height has been scrolled into view
	exit: function() {
		// The block is just starting to be scrolled out of view
	exited: function() {
		// The entirety of the block’s height has been scrolled out of view
}, [{
		down: 'enter',
		up: 'exited',
		offset: '100%'
	}, {
		down: 'entered',
		up: 'exit',
		offset: 'bottom-in-view'
	}, {
		down: 'exit',
		up: 'entered',
		offset: 0
	}, {
		down: 'exited',
		up: 'enter',
		offset: function() {
			return -this.adapter.outerHeight();

When calling whenInView, you can specify only those callbacks that you need. To execute a function whenever a block appears in view, you can do something like this:

	enter: function() {
		console.log('I\'m in view!');

If you wanted to execute a function with a custom offset — say, whenever the first 10 pixels of a block appear in view — you could do something like this:

	enter: function() {
		console.log('I\'m in view!');
}, [{
		down: 'enter',
		offset: function() {
			return this.context.innerHeight() - 10;
		up: 'enter',
		offset: function() {
			return -this.adapter.outerHeight() + 10;

A few things to keep in mind when defining a custom offset array:

  • Each object will have a single offset value, as well as values for up or down (or both).
  • up and down refer to the direction the user is scrolling when a block encounters a callback-triggering threshold. It takes a second to wrap one’s head around the fact that, if you’re seeking to execute a callback when the block is moving upward across the viewport, the user is in fact scrolling down.
  • Within a function that defines an offset value, you can access the heights of the scroll context and the block with special innerHeight and outerHeight methods. The methods can be called on this.context (which represents the scroll context) and this.adapter (which represents the block).

Title design helper classes reference


Sets the background-color property to match the default background color of the user’s chosen theme.


Sets the color property to match the default body text color of the user’s chosen theme.


Sets the font-family property to match the primary font family — often a sans-serif font, but not always — of the user’s chosen theme.


Sets the font-family property to match the secondary font family — often a serif font, but not always — of the user’s chosen theme.


Sets the font-size property to match the default paragraph size, in ems, of the user’s chosen theme.


Sets the font-size property to a value appropriate for an h1 element, defined in ems, and calculated using the default paragraph size of the user’s chosen theme. The value used is slightly larger for project title designs than for section title designs.


Sets the font-size property to a value appropriate for an h2 element, defined in ems, and calculated using the default paragraph size of the user’s chosen theme. The value used is slightly larger for project title designs than for section title designs.


Sets the font-size property to a value appropriate for an h2 element, defined in ems, and calculated using the default paragraph size of the user’s chosen theme.


Sets width, max-width, margin-left, and margin-right properties so that an element shares its size and alignment with the text column of a user’s chosen theme.


Sets the left value to match the width of the left gutter of the user’s chosen theme.


Sets the padding-left value to match the width of the left gutter of the user’s chosen theme.


Sets the margin-left value to match the width of the left gutter of the user’s chosen theme.


Sets the right value to match the width of the right gutter of the user’s chosen theme.


Sets the padding-right value to match the width of the right gutter of the user’s chosen theme.


Sets the margin-right value to match the width of the right gutter of the user’s chosen theme.

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