Misc. Features - AstralOrdana/Immersive-Weathering GitHub Wiki

Useful Tools & Equipment

  • Cobwebs are flammable
  • Using a shovel on a lit Campfire drops Ash
  • Leggings protect you from Sweet Berry bushes and damage from Coniferous Leaf Piles (for example, Spruce Leaf Piles)
  • Depth Strider lets you ignore the slowing effect of Leaf Piles
  • Feather Falling will prevent trampling Farmland when you land on it
  • Frost Walker & Conduits counteract freezing water.
    • Water in snowy biomes is now freezing! Don't fall in or else you'll get the frostbite effect as if you fell into powder snow. This is configurable and goes well with Thin Ice.


Particle Effects

  • Ice blocks make drip particles
  • Leaves blocks will have falling leaf particles

Grass, Dirt & Farming

  • Grass turns into paths from being walked on. Note: this is disabled by default.
  • Using Flint on Grass Blocks will turn it into Dirt, and on Dirt will turn it into Coarse Dirt
  • Composters produce Dirt blocks as well as Bone Meal
  • Rabbits will eat weeds
  • Grass and Mycelium grow over each other
  • Hanging Roots are plantable on horizontal surfaces
  • Nether Wart can be planted on Wart Blocks (and a new block tag has been added for what other blocks Nether Wart can now be planted on)
  • Grass and Tall Grass can be placed on cracked blocks
