Theme - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki
involves three methods to give customization and control of the application theme. A configuration setting, an event to change theme and a widget to specify a scope to selectively theme child widgets.
- Usage
- Default Scheme (light/blue)
- Theme Event
- Inline Theming
- Theme Attributes:
- Theme Playground Template
- Documentation you may find useful
- To set the application's default theme colorscheme open config.xml located the root directory set the
to a color then the entire theme generate a colorscheme (default is light/blue). - To change the theme you can call the event
- To apply a specific color to a theme attribute for a subset of widgets within a template you can use inline themeing
Example usages:
theme('dark', 'deeppurple')
<VAR id='brightness' value="light" />
<BUTTON onclick="theme({brightness})', '#000FFF')" />
This applies the scoped theme on a widget and its children for overriding system theming. To utilize it wrap a
widget around anything within a regular template.
Its important to note if wrapping multiple children to include a layout widget such as
<THEME primary="#2D476F" onprimary="#FFC800" inverseprimary="#FFC800">
<SWITCH value="true" />
<BUTTON type="elevated" label="Click Me" onclick="" />
value= |
brightness | "light" / "dark" |
primaryColor | Color |
primaryColorLight | Color |
primaryColorDark | Color |
accentColor | Color |
canvasColor | Color |
scaffoldBackgroundColor | Color |
bottomAppBarColor | Color |
cardColor | Color |
dividerColor | Color |
highlightColor | Color |
splashColor | Color |
selectedRowColor | Color |
unselectedWidgetColor | Color |
disabledColor | Color |
buttonColor | Color |
toggleableActiveColor | Color |
secondaryHeaderColor | Color |
cursorColor | Color |
textSelectionColor | Color |
textSelectionHandleColor | Color |
backgroundColor | Color |
dialogBackgroundColor | Color |
indicatorColor | Color |
hintColor | Color |
errorColor | Color |
Click to expand
<VAR id="brightness" value="{THEME.brightness}" onchange="theme({brightness}, {selectedcolor})"/>
<VAR id="selectedcolor" value="{THEME.colorscheme}" onchange="theme({brightness}, {selectedcolor})" />
<BOX height="100%" width="100%">
<PADDING top="10" />
<BOX color="{THEME.background}" border="all" borderwidth="4" layout="row" halign="around" valign="center" expand="false" width="100%">
<ROW valign="center" width="200" halign="around">
<TEXT value="Brightness ({brightness})" />
<PADDING all="4">
<ICON id="brightness-icon" icon="brightness_6" size="28" color="={brightness} == 'light' ? 'amber' : 'bluegrey'"/>
<LINK onclick="{brightness} == 'light' ? brightness.set('dark');animate('switch'); : brightness.set('light');animate('switch');">
<BOX width="50" height="24" layout="stack" center="true">
<POSITIONED left="0">
<BOX width="50" height="20" radius="99" color="={brightness} == 'light' ? 'yellow' : '{THEME.surfacevariant}'"/>
<POSITIONED id="pos" left="={brightness} == 'light' ? 26 : 0" right="={brightness} == 'light' ? 0 : 26">
<BOX width="24" height="24" radius="99" color="={brightness} == 'light' ? 'amber' : 'bluegrey'" />
<TEXT value="Theme Changer" style="h6"/>
<BOX expand="false" width="200">
<!-- <SWITCH color="green"/> -->
<BOX height="10">
<BOX height="={SYSTEM.screenheight} - 160" width="100%" layout="row" halign="around" padding="8,0,0,0">
<BOX width="25%">
<LIST data="COLORS">
<PADDING all="1">
<BUTTON type="={selectedcolor} == {data.color} ? 'elevated' : 'outlined'" onclick="selectedcolor.set({data.color})" height="26">
<BOX width="110" height="26" layout="row" valign="center" halign="between">
<BOX color="{data.color}" height="20" width="32" radius="24" />
<TEXT value="{data.color}" color="={selectedcolor} == {data.color} ? {brightness} == 'light' ? 'white' : 'black' : ''" />
<BOX width="25%">
<PADDING top="20" bottom="10" left="0">
Test Custom Theme Colors:
<SELECT id="ibrightness" value="light">
<OPTION label="light" value="light" />
<OPTION label="dark" value="dark" />
<INPUT id="icolor" hint="color" value="#000FFF" />
<THEME primary="{icolor}">
<BUTTON type="elevated" onclick="{ibrightness} == 'light' || {ibrightness} == 'dark' ? selectedcolor.set({icolor});brightness.set({ibrightness}); : toast('brightness must be light or dark');" label="call theme('{ibrightness}','{icolor}')"/>
<BOX width="50%" height="100%">
<PADDING all="20">
Theme Color Scheme Bindables:
<PADDING top="10" />
<ROW wrap="true">
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.background}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="background" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.onbackground}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="onbackground" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.shadow}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="shadow" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.outline}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="outline" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.surface}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="surface" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.onsurface}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="onsurface" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.surfacevariant}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="surfacevariant" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.onsurfacevariant}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="onsurfacevariant" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.inversesurface}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="inversesurface" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.oninversesurface}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="oninversesurface" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.primary}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="primary" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.onprimary}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="onprimary" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.primarycontainer}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="primarycontainer" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.onprimarycontainer}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="onprimarycontainer" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.inverseprimary}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="inverseprimary" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.secondary}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="secondary" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.onsecondary}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="onsecondary" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.secondarycontainer}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="secondarycontainer" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.onsecondarycontainer}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="onsecondarycontainer" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.tertiarycontainer}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="tertiarycontainer" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.ontertiarycontainer}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="ontertiarycontainer" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.error}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="error" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.onerror}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="onerror" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.errorcontainer}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="errorcontainer" />
<PADDING all="2">
<BOX width="140" height="40" color="{THEME.onerrorcontainer}" radius="10" center="true">
<TEXT color="grey" value="onerrorcontainer" />
<DATA id="COLORS" autoexecute="true">
<DATA id="THEMESCHEME" root="ROW" autoexecute="true">