PAGER - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<PAGER/> : <BOX/>

The <PAGER/> widget creates a paged layout allowing the user to flip between pages. At the bottom is a page indicator which also serves as a way to navigate, pages can be navigated by events as well.


  • Pager allows the user to go back and forward, if you need a solution that does not allow the user to go back consider programmatically hiding sections or using multiple templates and manipulating the NAVIGATION stack

Attributes :: VisibleWidget (inherited attributes)

Name Type Default Description Req
pager bool true Shows/Hides the dots page indicator on the bottom
initialpage int 1 The page to start on when the template is opened
transition string slide slide / jump, slide animates to the page, jump instantly shows the page


Name Type Default Description
currentpage int null The current page the user is flipped to.


PAGER contains PAGEs which acts as a wrapper around the content, see examples below

Pager Events

Name Type Default Description
page int/string null sets the page to an int/'next'/'previous'/first'/'last'

Checkout the examples below to see how to programmatically change the page!


    <BOX color="white" />
    <PAGER id="p1" pager="true">
            <BOX layout="column" valign="center" halign="center" color="#E2ACC6,#FDCC98">
                <TEXT style="h1">
                    Page 1
            <BOX layout="column" valign="center" halign="center" color="#FDCC98,#FC6C81">
                <TEXT style="h1">
                    Page 2
            <BOX layout="column" valign="center" halign="center" color="#FC6C81,#D168B1">
                <TEXT style="h1">
                    Page 3
            <BOX layout="column" valign="center" halign="center" color="#D168B1,#5E2AD4">
                <TEXT style="h1">
                    Page 4
    <POS bottom="25">
        <BOX halign="center" layout="row" expand="false" width="100%" color="#F0EEF4">
            <TOOLTIP label="First Page"><BUTTON label="«" onclick="page('first')" /></TOOLTIP>
            <TOOLTIP label="Previous Page"><BUTTON label="" onclick="page('previous')" /></TOOLTIP>
            <BOX expand="false">
                <TEXT width="100">
                    Current Page: {p1.currentpage}
                <BOX layout="row" expand="false">
                    <TEXT value="Go to: " />
                    <PADDING left="5" />
                    <LINK onclick=""><TEXT color="blue" value="_1_" /></LINK>
                    <PADDING left="5" />
                    <LINK onclick=""><TEXT color="blue" value="_2_" /></LINK>
                    <PADDING left="5" />
                    <LINK onclick=""><TEXT color="blue" value="_3_" /></LINK>
                    <PADDING left="5" />
                    <LINK onclick=""><TEXT color="blue" value="_4_" /></LINK>
            <TOOLTIP label="Next Page"><BUTTON label="" onclick="'next')" /></TOOLTIP>
            <TOOLTIP label="Last Page"><BUTTON label="»" onclick="'last')" /></TOOLTIP>


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