MenuItem - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<ITEM/> : ViewableWidget

The menu <ITEM/> widget is used to define each item in a <MENU/>.

When a <MENU/> is tied to data source, the first <ITEM/> is treated as prototype.

Each <ITEM/> in the <MENU/> has its own unique scope. This allows fields within the item to reference (bind) to other widgets within the item by id.

<ITEM/>'s can be created with or without child widgets. When no children are specified, the <ITEM/> body is automatically created using the defined attributes below.


(Only when no child widgets are defined for the item)

Name Type Default Description Req
title string The item title
subtitle string The item sub-title
fontcolor string The item title and subtitle font color
fontsize string The item title and subtitle font size. Subtitle is 4 pixels less.
icon string The item icon
iconcolor string The item icon color
iconsize string The item icon size
url string If provided, the url is opened (launched) when the item is selected. If an onclick event is defined, url is ignored.


Name Type Default Description Req
width int 260/160 (web/mobile) The width of the item expressed in pixels. The width of the first item is used to determine the number of items per row. For variable width items, consider using a <GRID/>
height int 260/160 (web/mobile) The height of the item expressed in pixels. For variable height items, consider using a <GRID/>


Name Values Default Description
selected bool false If menu item is currently selected (active)


Name Description
onclick A list of ; separated event's to evaluate and execute when the item is clicked. If defined, url is ignored.

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