IFRAME - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<IFRAME/> : ViewableWidget

The IFRAME widget is used to render web content.


  • If an IMAGE's fit is set to height or width it will override the opposing value when trying to set its size. -IMAGE will size to its actual size by default, it will not expand to its parent but it will shrink to fit rather than overflow.
  • The IMAGE once loaded will remain in memory until the application reloads.


Name Type Default Description Req
url string null The url the image will be retrieved from.
opacity int null The opacity of the image.
fit string 'cover' The fit of the image. 'cover', 'height', 'width', 'fill', 'contain', 'scale', 'none'
interactive bool false Allows for pinch/pan gestures on mobile and drag/scroll on web & desktop


Image with text

    <BOX layout="stack" width="256" height="256">
        <IMAGE url="resources/images/doge.png" width="256" height="256" />
        <POS bottom="10" left="110">
            <TEXT value="**woof**" />

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Image w/ Text

Image Fit

Graphic result of different fit attribute values Image Fit

Image Rotation

<FML title="IMAGE (example2)" linkable="true">

        <BOX center="true">
            <BOX height="300" width="300" radius="30">
                <VAR id="angle" value="=round({angleslider}, 2)" />
                <STACK height="300" width="300">
                    <IMAGE url="https://pad.fml.dev/images/gauge.png?v=1234" />
                    <POSITION bottom="80" left="100">
                        <BOX height="40" width="100" color="#000000" />
                    <POSITION bottom="0">
                        <BOX height="80" width="300" color="#AF1D1D1D,#000000" start="top" end="bottom"/>
                    <IMAGE url="https://pad.fml.dev/images/needle.png" rotation="{angle}"/>
                    <POSITION bottom="0">
                        <SLIDER id="angleslider" color="orange" minimum="-120" maximum="120" divisions="60" range="false" value="0" width="300" />
                    <POSITION bottom="58" left="90">
                        <TEXT value="{angle} degrees" color="white" size="24" bold="true" />
                    <POSITION bottom="40" left="40">
                        <TEXT value="Slide to rotate the needle image" color="white" shadowcolor="black" elevation="3" size="16" />


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Image Rotation

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