Link - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<LINK/> : ViewableWidget

The &kt;LINK/> widget creates a clickable wrapper around a widget.


  • You may only choose one of the following attributes within a <LINK> widget: url / onclick / ondoubletap / onlongpress

Attributes :: BaseWidget (inherited attributes)

Name Type Default Description Req
enabled bool 'true' Whether or not you can click the link.
hint string null hint text indicating what the link will do
url string null The url the link activates on click/tap
onclick string null The event the link activates on click/tap
onlongpress string null The event the link activates on a long press
ondoubletap string null The event the link activates on a double click/tap


    <ROW halign="around">
        <LINK url="mailto:[email protected]">
            <COL halign="center" valign="center">
                <ICON icon="email_outlined" size="30" color="black"/>
                <BOX height="20" width="0"/>
                <TXT value="[email protected]" color="black" width=""/>
        <LINK url="tel:16133406481">
            <COL halign="center" valign="center">
                <ICON icon="local_phone_outlined" size="30" color="black"/>
                <BOX height="20" width="0"/>
                <TXT value="+1.613.340.6481" color="black" width=""/>
        <LINK onclick="open('')">
            <COL halign="center" valign="center">
                <IMAGE url="" height="30" />
                <BOX height="20" width="0"/>
                <TXT value="FML Discord" color="black" width=""/>


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