Link - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<LINK/> : ViewableWidget

The <LINK/> widget creates a clickable wrapper around one or more child widgets.


Name Type Default Description Req
layout string column Fixed. Cannot be changed.
enabled bool true Whether or not you can click the link.
url string If provided, the url is opened (launched) when the linked is clicked.
Name Description
onclick A list of ; separated event's to evaluate and execute on click. Fires after the url (if provided) is lauched
onlongpress A list of ; separated event's to evaluate and execute on a long press
ondoubletap A list of ; separated event's to evaluate and execute on double click


Example #1 : A simple example showing 3 links.


<FML title="LINK (example1)" linkable="true" layout="row" halign="around">
	<LINK url="mailto:[email protected]" onclick="alert('Clicked')" ondoubletap="alert('Double Clicked')" onlongpress="alert('Long Press')">>
		<COL halign="center" valign="center">
			<ICON icon="email_outlined" size="30"/>
			<BOX height="20" width="0"/>
			<TXT value="[email protected]" />
	<LINK url="tel:16133406481">
		<COL halign="center" valign="center">
			<ICON icon="local_phone_outlined" size="30"/>
			<BOX height="20" width="0"/>
			<TXT value="+1.613.340.6481" />
	<LINK onclick="open('')">
		<COL halign="center" valign="center">
			<ICON icon="discord"  height="30" />
			<BOX height="20" width="0"/>
			<TXT value="FML Discord"/>

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