GPS - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<GPS/> : DataSource

The GPS Datasource returns the location services data on the device that can be bound to.


  • Only works on mobile platforms with location services enabled.
  • Accuracy of the reading depends on the device and users settings.
  • Availability of properties depends on the device and user settings.


Name Type Default Description Req
id string null The id of the widget used for databinding.
enabled bool true If the datasource is enabled.
onsuccess string/Event null The string of events the broker will execute upon a successful query.
onfail string/Event null The string of events the broker will execute upon a failed query.
autoexecute bool true If the gps will be started automatically when the template is first opened

Data Point

Name Type Description
latitude double The gps point latitude
longitude double The gps point longitude
accuracy double The gps point latitude/longitude accuracy
altitude double The gps point altitude
speed double The gps point speed
speedaccuracy double The gps point speed accuracy
heading double The gps point heading
epoch int The gps point unix time (epoch)
user string The User who is signed in during
username string The User's username signed in

Attributes (Data Specific)

Name Type Default Description Req
data List[Data Point] Addressable using DOTNOTATION. Example: <id>.data.latitude
queueType string replace replace, lifo, fifo, append, prepend. Defines the data aggregation strategy for data returned from initial and subsequent calls. replace (default) replaces all data after each subsequent call. lifo (last in first out), fifo (first in first out), append and prepend are all used in conjunction with the maxrecords attribute
maxrecords int 10000 The maximum size data can grow to. This works in concert with type
root string The root tag that defines the repeatable items in data. This can be a nested field. If not specified, the list is segmented by the first repeatable element found in the data set
ttl int(s,m,h) 0s Time to Live caches data in the local persistent HIVE database for the period specified. This saves requerying data that changes infrequently
rowcount int 0 The number of records in data

Methods (Data Specific)

Name Type Description
clear() Clears data. Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.clear()
add(jsonOrXml, index) string, int Deserializes the jsonOrXml string and adds it to the end of data or at position index if specified. Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.add(jsonOrXml, index)
remove(index) int Removes the last item from data or from position index if specified. Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.remove(index)
reverse() Reverses data. Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.reverse()


Name Type Description
start() Starts the gps. Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.start()
stop() Stops the gps. Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.stop()


<FML title="MAP (example1)" linkable="true">

	<INCLUDE url="assets/templates/examples/header.xml"/>
	<INCLUDE url="assets/templates/examples/footer.xml"/>

	<GPS id="gps" />

	<MAP id="MAP-1" zoom="5" latitude="{}" longitude="{}">

		<LAYER url="{z}/{x}/{y}.png" />
		<LAYER url="{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.jpg90?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiYXBwZGFkZHkiLCJhIjoiY2xibzR0aDNmMHh4cTNxbGI2N2o4a2k4MyJ9.riZsjgk7CLABuqelqyV6fg" />

		<MARKER data="gps" latitude="{data.latitude}" longitude="{data.longitude}">
			<ICON icon="gps_fixed" color="yellow"/>
    <BOX expand="false" color="blur" width="100%">
        <PAD all="10">
            <TEXT value=" - **lat: {} long: {}**" color="white"/>


An example showing how to access the GPS data and its bindables.

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