FIELD - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<FIELD/> : FormField

The <FIELD/> widget is used to create a field within a <FORM/>.

The <FIELD/> is hidden unless it is backed by a plugin package.

Unlike other hidden form field's, the <FIELD/> widget will always post when the <FORM/> is submitted.


Name Type Default Description Req
plugin String If specified, the field is created from the <PLUGIN/> using plugin=".(p1, p2, ...) where is the id of the <PACKAGE/>, is the class of the statefull or stateless widget and (p1, p2, ... pn) are the parameters passed to the class when it is created.

Note: All parameters must be passed in order and be of the same type including named and optional parameters.


Example #2 : A form with 2 hidden fields and an input.
    <FIELD id="f1" value="1"/>	
    <FIELD id="f2" value="2"/>
    <INPUT id="f3"/>	
Example #2 : A field with a user defined plugin
    <!-- Custom Function Example -->
    <TEXT id="t1" value="=pkg1.MyFunctions.sayHello('Cruel World')"/>
    <BUTTON label="Click Me" onclick="t1.set(pkg1.MyFunctions.sayGoodbye('Cruel World'))"/>

    <!-- Custom Widget -->   
    <TEXT id="text" value="This is what shows in the red box. get('text') is called from within the dynamic widget."/>    
    <WIDGET id="w1" plugin="pkg1.MyWidget({$id},{$get},{$set})"/>	

    <!-- Custom Form Field Control -->
    <TEXT id="t2" value="{f1.value}"/>
    <FIELD id="f1" plugin="pkg1.MyField({$id},{$get},{$set})" value="999"/>	

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