Documentation Guidelines - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki


Policies, Principles and Syntax

  • Denote ELEMENTS with all uppercase and wrap with the ` code tag
  • Denote attributes with all lowercase and wrap with the ` code tag
  • If mentioning a widget inner link to the corresponding wiki page ex:
    [`Documentation`](./Documentation-Guidelines) displays: Documentation
  • add a fig. __ reference for each code block and image for referencing purposes.


## Overview  <!-- omit in toc -->
A rough template for documentation to follow.

#### Table of Contents <!-- omit in toc -->
- [Overview](#overview)
    - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Usage](#usage)
    - [Ideals:](#ideals)
    - [Restrictions](#restrictions)
        - [Children:](#children)
- [Attributes](#attributes)
- [Examples](#examples)
    - [fig. a](#figa)
    - [img. a](#imga)


## Usage

#### Ideals:
- Short and concise covering basics
- Recommendations considering real use-cases
- Consistent layout applicable to all widgets

#### Restrictions: 
##### Children:
Input `Code` Widget
> Only Code type inputs allowed

## Widget Parameters

| Name    | Type    | Default | Description | Req |
|var name |var type | The default value of the variable | A brief description of the variables function |✔|
| visible | boolean |   true  |             |     |

## Examples

![Image Example of code output below](
###### (*img. a*)
(fig. a)

Other Widgets You May Find Useful:

## Images
You can upload images to the directory 

Embedding: `![Image Embed Example](` 
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️