BEACON - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<BEACON/> : DataSource

The BEACON datasource widget is used to listen for IBeacon and AltBeacon signals.


  • BEACON detection can only be used on devices capable of Bluetooth LE.


Name Type Default Description Req
id string null The id of the widget used for databinding.
enabled bool true If the datasource is enabled.
minor int (0-99) null listens only for beacons with the specified minor
major int (0-99) null listens only for beacons with the specified major
distance int null listens only for beacons with the specified distance in meters
onsuccess string/Event null events the broker will execute upon a successful detection
autoexecute bool true if BEACON scanning will commence automatically at startup

Data Point

Name Type Description
id string The NFC tag serial#
epoch int The time (in epoch) the becon was last detected, Beacons that remain undetected for 15 seconds drop off the list and age will be set to 0 once they come back into range.
age int The elapsed time (in epoch) this beacon has been detectable
rssi int The beacons relative signal strength intensity
macaddress string The beacons mac address
power int The beacons transmit power level. This is used in ranging
minor int (0-99) The beacons minor number. This is a fixed value ranging from 0-99.
major int (0-99) The beacons major number. This is a fixed value ranging from 0-99.
distance double The beacons distance (in meters) from the reader. This is a rough calulation based on the power transmit and rssi values.
proximity string 0.0 : "unknown", 0.0 to 0.5 : "immediate", 0.5 to 3.0 "near", > 3.0 "far"

Attributes (Data Specific)

Name Type Default Description Req
data List[?] If the NFC tag text is encoded as a JSON, XML or URL string, it is deserialized, otherwise it is deserialized as a Data Point. Note: URL's do not neeed to be encoded with their fully qualified domain name. To save space, this can be just a query string (with or without the ?). Only the URL's query parameters are deserialized. The resulting item is addressable using standard DOTNOTATION,
queuetype string replace replace, lifo, fifo, append, prepend. Defines the data aggregation strategy for data returned from initial and subsequent calls. replace (default) replaces all data after each subsequent call. lifo (last in first out), fifo (first in first out), append and prepend are all used in conjunction with the maxrecords attribute
maxrecords int 10000 The maximum size data can grow to. This works in concert with type
root string The root tag that defines the repeatable items in data. This can be a nested field. If not specified, the list is segmented by the first repeatable element found in the data set
ttl int(s,m,h) 0s Time to Live caches data in the local persistent HIVE database for the period specified. This saves requerying data that changes infrequently
rowcount int 0 The number of records in data

Methods (Data Specific)

Name Type Description
clear() Clears data. Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.clear()
add(jsonOrXml, index) string, int Deserializes the jsonOrXml string and adds it to the end of data or at position index if specified. Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.add(jsonOrXml, index)
remove(index) int Removes the last item from data or from position index if specified. Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.remove(index)
reverse() Reverses data. Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.reverse()


Name Type Description
start() Starts listening for beacons that are withing range and meet the specified minor, major and distance criteria (if specified). Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.start()
stop() Starts listening for beacons. Invoked in any EVENT string using <id>.stop()


Example #1


 <BEACON id="b1"/>

 <BOX center="true">
  <TXT value="The Closest Beacon is: {}"/>


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