INSTITUTION.Centers.en - Amab/swad-core GitHub Wiki

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List of centers

The INSTITUTION > Centers displays a list of all centers in the selected institution. A center is a faculty, school, college, division or building. By default, the list is sorted by the number of users claiming to belong to each center, from highest to lowest, and may also be sorted by center name.

Each of the rows of the list contains the following columns:

  • Center: logo and name of the center. By clicking on the header of this column (Center) the list is sorted by the name of the center.
  • Users of the center: users claiming to belong to the center. You can select your center in PROFILE > Record > Edit my institution > Center. By clicking on the header of this column ("Users of the center") the list is sorted by the number of users claiming to belong to the center, from highest to lowest.
  • Place: place (usually a city) where the center is located. Institution administrators and system administrators can edit the places of the institution in INSTITUTION > Places.
  • Degrees: number of degrees in the center.
  • Courses: number of courses in the center (courses in the degrees of the center).
  • Teachers + students: number of users (teachers or students) in the courses of the center.
  • Status: New (pending review) or Active.

Editing centers

Any user can add a center by clicking on the Edit icon in the upper left corner of the box or the Create another center button at the end of the list.

First SWAD shows a form to create a new center, with the following fields:

  • Place: a selector with all places available for the selected institution. Institution administrators and system administrators can edit the places of the institution in INSTITUTION > Places.
  • Short name of the center.
  • Full name of the center.
  • WWW: full URL, including http:// or https://

When a user creates a new center, the center goes to status New, which means "pending review", although it is fully usable. System administrators can visit SYSTEM > Hierarchy > Pending to check for institutions with centers that are pending review.

Below that box it is offered a list with all current centers in the selected institution. Institution administrators and system administrators can edit places, names and WWW fields and eliminate those centers that do not have any degree and any user. An institution administrator or system administrator can also activate pending centers after fixing errors and checking them. If the creator of the center is not an institution administrator or system administrator, he/she can still continue editing the center while it is in the pending status.