request types - AEVI-AppFlow/pos-android-sdk GitHub Wiki

This page provides detailed information on how to create requests for the various standard flow types that AEVI has defined for AppFlow. Acquirers and/or flow services may support additional types to these. Please see Bespoke Data for information about this. In addition, AppFlow supports status updates via a separate set of flows defined in Status Update Flows.

Please note that the types that are available in any given acquirer environment / device are down to the flows that are defined and configured. The flows can be queried for programmatically - see Implementing POS apps for more information. Do not take for granted that all types are always available on all devices using AppFlow.

There are two different models that can be used for initiating a flow - please see the summary table at the bottom of the page to see what model (and hence API method) to use for what type.

If you can't find a request type you are after, or require additional data to be part of a particular scenario. please contact AEVI to discuss. The following is not an exhaustive list, rather it is what has been defined by AEVI so far.

Request initiation

Click relevant links below for detailed information on how to initiate that particular type of request.

Summary of all defined types

Flow type Request class Description Relevant stages
sale Payment Sale/purchase/payment - charge the customer All payment stages
refund Payment Refund the customer PRE_FLOW, TRANSACTION_PROCESSING, POST_FLOW
preAuthorisation Payment Pre-authorise some amount All payment stages
preAuthCompletion Payment Complete a previous pre-authorisation All payment stages
motoSale Payment MOTO (customer not present) sale flow All payment stages
motoRefund Payment MOTO (customer not present) refund flow PRE_FLOW, TRANSACTION_PROCESSING, POST_FLOW
deposit Payment Customer deposit PRE_FLOW, TRANSACTION_PROCESSING, POST_FLOW
tokenisation Request Retrieve a token to identify the customer (typically from card) GENERIC
reversal Request Reversal / Void of previous transaction GENERIC
batchClosure Request Close a batch GENERIC
receiptDelivery Request Deliver a receipt for cash/cheque/etc payment to customer or re-deliver a receipt obtained from a previous transaction GENERIC
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️