receipts - AEVI-AppFlow/pos-android-sdk GitHub Wiki

Receipts are typically generated for any payment flow, but there are scenarios where client applications may want to initiate specific receipt requests.

Receipt redelivery

If the merchant and/or customer needs a receipt to get redelivered (via whatever delivery mechanism the receipt app on that device uses, such as printing), the client application can initiate a receiptDelivery request. For this type of request. The request will contain information from the previous transaction which will be sent along with the request as additional data.

Create Request from a Previous Transaction

// First, retrieve the previous transaction to use for the request
Transaction transaction = paymentResponse.getTransactions().get(desiredTxnIndex);

Request request = new Request("receiptDelivery");
request.addAdditionalData("transaction", transaction);

// If the receipt handling application supports more than one delivery mechanism
request.addAdditionalData("deliveryMechanism", "printing");

Create Request for a Generic Receipt

If the merchant and/or customer needs a receipt for a non-card based payment e.g. cash. Then a request can be made with different additional data that can fulfil this type of request.

Request request = new Request("receiptDelivery");
request.addAdditionalData("receiptAmounts", new Amounts(15000, "EUR"));
request.addAdditionalData("receiptPaymentMethod", "cash");
request.addAdditionalData("receiptOutcome", "APPROVED");

Optionally a basket can also be added to the request using the key "receiptBasket" e.g.

Basket basket = new Basket();

// populate basket
request.addAdditionalData("receiptBasket", basket);

Create Response

Receipt delivery flow services should ensure that they handle both types of request described above for re-delivery of a receipt as well as receipts for non-card based payments.

AdditionalData requestData = genericStageModel.getRequest().getRequestData();
if (requestData.hasData("transaction")) {
    Transaction transaction = requestData.getValue("transaction", Transaction.class);

    // If you want to re-use functionality in your application from printing payment transactions.
    // You may want to create your own `TransactionSummary` object at this point from the `Transaction` e.g.
    TransactionSummary transactionSummary = new TransactionSummary(transaction, 
    "receiptDelivery", DeviceAudience.CUSTOMER, transaction.getLastResponse().getCard()))

    // handle printing of transactionSummary here

else if (requestData.hasData("receiptPaymentMethod")) {
    Amounts amounts = requestData.getValue("receiptAmounts", Amounts.class);
    String paymentMethod = requestData.getStringValue("receiptPaymentMethod");
    String outcome = requestData.getStringValue("receiptOutcome");

    // handle printing from the above fields here


// If the receipt was successfully delivered, outcome should be `true`, and `false` otherwise.
Response response = new Response(request, <outcome>, <outcome message>);
// Setting the delivery mechanism is optional but may be useful for the client application
response.addAdditionalData("deliveryMechanism", "printing");

Parse Response

if (response.wasSuccessful()) {
    // Handle success
} else {
    // Handle failure
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️