System Modelling with Capella - AD-EYE/AD-EYE_Core GitHub Wiki

Cloning the Capella Repository

Create a new folder locally in the home directory through Git Bash script.

cd ~
mkdir Capella_Folder
cd Capella_Folder

From the link, click on the Clipboard to copy the Git url for the repository.

Now that we are in the folder Capella_Folder, we can clone the repository using git clone and the link we previously copied.

git clone 

This will ask for a Username and Password. Username is your KTH username. Password here refers to your Personal Access Token.

To creat your Personal Access Token, visit the link

Once you have entered your username and password, the repository is cloned.

Opening Capella

The software requires Java jre-8u221 in order to be launched. Open the folder and install Java by clicking on the jre-8u221-windows-x64 file.

Once Java is installed, you can open the software located in# Capella_Folder -> ADI_Capella -> Capella -> Eclipse -> Eclipse Application

Once the application opens, select the workplace folder that contains ADI and RVCE.